
Sabine Mendes Moura

Sabine Mendes Moura é escritora, roteirista e criadora da Editora Nua. Publicou quatro romances solo, em gêneros diversos, incluindo “Pervertidos” (Mocho Edições, 2020), seu último lançamento, e “Incompletos” (Presságio Editora, 2016, premiado pelo PROAC). Foi selecionada para integrar o projeto “Novas Contistas da Literatura Brasileira” (Editora Zouk, 2018), a Coleção Contos de Bolso (Lendari BR, 2021) e a Coleção Casa Fantástica (Presságio Editora, 2020), esta última com a novela “Sol Medieval”, que passou a integrar o catálogo exclusivo da Amazon Prime. Colabora com a Pressenza IPA, em coluna semanal sobre literatura. Mora em Paquetá, com sua esposa e sua filha.

Five activists walk straight into Faslane nuclear weapons base

Nonviolent direct action group gets arrested for walking into the home of nuclear-armed Trident submarines in Scotland in a peaceful manifestation and is waiting for possible prosecution as serious crime organizers. They have released the statement that is published below in what they call for the process of disarmament of Trident nuclear weapons to begin.

A minute of volunteer work for each year of Mandela’s years of service

During the 91st anniversary of the former South African president activists around the world pledge 67 minutes of community service and non-discrimination events. The Nelson Mandela Foundation and the 46664 campaign will promote tomorrow, on July 18th, the Mandela Day Celebration in New York. One of the objectives is to institute an official worldwide activist day.

Training seminar and public forum on non violent conflict resolution in Middle East

Global Majority will organize its third international “Promoting Peace through dialogue” seminar in Jerusalem. Field study trips, Palestine and Israel in an international seminar on negotiation and mediation through dialogue.

Mayor of Hiroshima denounces North Korea´s nuclear project

Tadatoshi Akiba says he is “furious” with the country´s disregard of international demonstrations against their threat of building a nuclear arsenal. The UN Security Council called for sanctions over the country´s tests voting unanimously for sanctions both on the nuclear tests and the North Korean ballistic missile programmes.

Apartheid and reconciliation in a film showing to help refugee camps

Charity premiere of award-winning film in London will raise funds for FilmAid’s programme.“Skin” won the Pan African Festival in Los Angeles and the Time for Peace First Film Award.