
Patrick Boylan

Patrick Boylan, già professore di Inglese per la Comunicazione Interculturale all'Università “Roma Tre”, si è laureato nella sua nativa California e di nuovo alla Sorbona di Parigi, dove ha anche insegnato come visiting professor. Ora co-dirige il Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication (Cultus), svolge training interculturali, ed è attivista per la Rete NoWar e le associazioni PeaceLink e Statunitensi per la pace e la giustizia.

Defending the Palestinian resistance has become a crime in the UK

Today, in that renowned citadel of freedom of expression and freedom of the press that was once the UK, if you profess your support for the Palestinian resistance you can be arrested and imprisoned, your mobile phone and PC confiscated…

Julian Assange’s words float over Rome as Meloni meets Zelensky

During the bilateral meeting at Palazzo Chigi last night (9/1/2025) between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a few pacifists in Rome hoisted, next to the Colosseum, a gigantic banner bearing Julian Assange’s famous quote, “If wars can…

Activists invite Pope to ask Biden to pardon Julian Assange

Assange activists flocked to Saint Peter’s Square today (Sunday, January 5) holding a banner and signs inviting the Pope to ask Joe Biden, during his papal visit to the Vatican next Friday, for a presidential pardon for Julian Assange.  Among…

Big Tech seeks to consolidate its hold on journalism

“Can Journalism Survive AI?” was the provocative title of one of the key presentations at the recent Perugia International Journalism Festival (#ijf24, April 17-21).  Young activists from the Perugia Social Center “Turba” say no, it cannot. The topic of AI…

In order for Assange to be truly free, we need to free investigative journalism

Some thoughts on the occasion of the 2024 Festival of Journalism in Perugia (17-21 April), where Julian Assange’s name is inexplicably absent from the official programs. Translated from the article in the Monthly Report of the Italian daily L’Indipendente, February…

Julian Assange’s forthcoming hearings and what they could mean for his freedom

The announcement of what could be Julian Assange’s final hearings – on 20 and 21 February before the British High Court – has sparked a flurry of speculation about what could be the final fate of the now 52-year-old Australian…

Julian Assange made honorary citizen of Rome by the City Council today

Rome, Caput Mundi at the time of the Roman Empire, cradle (together with Florence) of Renaissance humanism, Gold Medal for Military Valour during the Resistance, the city that gave birth to the European Community (later the European Union), today boasts…

“Australia, take the lead in liberating Julian Assange” chant activists on Australian Embassy Day held last weekend.

And six Oz parliamentarians set off to Washington to do just that. It took off like wildfire. Last August 12th, a Julian Assange activist in Wellington (NZ) tweeted a call to stage sit-ins outside Australian embassies worldwide on or around…

Stella Moris Assange: “They want to jail Julian so that they can jail any journalist”

“Day X”, the fateful day in the Assange saga, is fast approaching. Incarcerating Julian Assange gives governments the power to imprison any journalist, Stella Moris Assange told a packed room at the Swiss Press Club in Geneva last Monday (2023-07-10).…

The Italian tour of “Ithaka” , a documentary on the Julian Assange affair, has begun

It was a huge success in Como Thursday night for the screening of Ben Lawrence’s film Ithaka, the documentary that tells the odyssey of a father fighting body and soul to save his son from an unjust life sentence. And…

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