
Antonio Sempere

Antonio Sempere (Ceuta 1966) es foto periodista nacido en Ceuta y trabaja como freelance para agencias internacionales de prensa, entre ellas France Press (AFP) y Europa Press y es corresponsal de Pressenza en el norte de África. Colabora con varias entidades sociales a favor de los derechos humanos y es testigo directo del drama de la migración en las llegadas e intentos de salto a la valla de Ceuta de personas migrantes de origen subsahariano que habitan en los bosques marroquíes cerca de Ceuta, en la frontera sur de Europa.

Spain condemned for illegally returning migrant minors

The Administrative Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court has condemned Spain for the return of eight unaccompanied migrant minors in August 2021. This followed the migration crisis in May of the same year, in which approximately 12,000 people, including more…

Migrants trapped in the forests of northern Serbia: a look at reality

The “Balkan Route” opened in 2015 when thousands of refugees travelled through the Western Balkan states from Greece to reach the EU. In an unprecedented flight they crossed Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Croatia until the borders were closed in spring…