The following text is taken from the last of part of the video of Yurii Sheliazhenko “Don’t lie like Boris Johnson!”

My name is Yurii Sheliazhenko and I am a Ukrainian peace activist. I live in Kyiv the capital of Ukraine and every day my house shakes because of the Russian’s bombing. You may ask me why I didn’t leave? It’s because I am not allowed to leave Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky is currently pushing everyone to become soldiers to fight against the Russians.

We don’t have the right to leave Ukraine and I may have to join the army against my own will. But, I will never kill another person, because I am a Ukraine pacifist, and I believe that war is wrong. It’s wrong to kill people. I will not go against my own conscience, even if they threaten me and put me in prison for five years.

I hope the war will end soon through peace talks. I believe that people should talk to each other instead of killing one another. For example in the United Nations declaration, there is a series of suggestions on how we should behave towards each other.

I invite President Zelensky, President Biden, and President Putin to start a dialogue together and come to a common agreement so that we can live in peace. So that we can live together on this planet. Military aid, threats, and sanctions are not going to help us. Rather we must develop friendships instead of creating suffering. If all the people on earth refuse to believe in this way of seeing things, that the good guys should kill the bad guys, things can change. If all the people say no and refuse to kill anyone, things can change because there will be no more war.

It is always better to make friends than to make enemies. Think about it for a moment. We could build together a world without weapons, without wars and without borders. A world guided by the power of love and truth. A world where east and west embrace themselves. Finally, I would like to quote a friend in Holland: We can build a world where every child can play.