The Self-Convened Groups, of the first congress of the Humanist Party Chile All the militants were called to constitute the self-convened groups, in the context of the Congress of the Humanist Party of Chile, to build a joint look with a projection to 12 years.

By affinity, proximity, themes (disabilities, feminism, ecology, dissidence, regionalism, etc.), action fronts, territoriality, and all the looks, and sensitivities that interact its the interior of our party with the stamp of universalist humanism.

The hope, the force, the FORCE, the “ñeque” sustaining the work of a meaningful, experiential project that ends and begins in others. Taking charge of the golden rule that mobilizes us to “treat others as you want to be treated”, installing active nonviolence as a form of revolutionary struggle, inviting us to work on the coherence between thinking, feeling, and acting, proposing simultaneous personal and social change.

A great experience was gained by the militancy, with tolerance, respect, agreements, consensus, and dissent, all resolved in a humanist tone and style.

Joyful, convergent, with joint intelligence and kindness to give meaning and projection to this collective and voluntary work, which tries to contribute its grain of sand to the construction of a more humane world with a new sensitivity that is born from the best intentions of the human being.

What has been experienced and learned has and must be shared with others, because one has never learned anything if what has been learned is not shared.

Participation in the hybrid meetings

The hybrid congress was an exciting challenge from the beginning. For months, we participated in activities that addressed short-, medium- and long-term political strategies. Although it seemed complex at first, it turned out to be a very rewarding experience, especially for those who discovered new policy tools.

The event took place in different locations, with the last part taking place in San Bernardo, where the hosts from the Laura Rodriguez base team coordinated all the details to ensure a perfect meeting. The discussions were enriching, with participants from various regions and communes of the country. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, with hugs and emotional conversations between old friends who had not seen each other for a long time.

The congress began with an introduction by the congress team, who facilitated participation in the event, giving prominence to all those present, both in person and online. All self-convened groups were introduced and shared their proposals and strategies, highlighting the diversity of ideas and approaches within the party.

Despite the diversity, all worked together to build solid foundations for the future. It concluded with a joint dynamic involving all participants, with a promise to continue the work in self-convened groups in March for it to make tactical downloads and timetables for everything agreed upon. This experience showed the importance of working together to face future challenges with vision and determination.

As for the experience at the party congress, the highlight was the appreciation of the unity in formation and the teaching of the doctrine at the base of the political project. The importance of feeling the doctrine as an impulse to advance the PH project was highlighted.

Unity and the recovery of the mystique were key points, generating an increase in enthusiasm for the project to benefit future generations of PH militants, sympathizers and affiliates.

The difference in the political approach is highlighted, moving away from the old party politics of leadership and working in a transparent and people-centered way. The experience of the party is presented as welcoming, not aggressive, which facilitates the integration of new people into the party. The importance of the humanist document is mentioned as a reflection of reality; the participatory construction, from the neighborhood base, of the communal government plans; and it is projected with an updated orange book in its public policies, thus consolidating the vision of the PH project.

Synthesis of the unanimously agreed Political Direction of the PH in Chile. The production of this collective work, with a hundred volunteers, translated the implementation and orientation in decision-making in the different and dynamic scenarios of national politics from now and in the coming years. The collective work incorporates the contents of the previous instances, namely the Enlarged Meeting of Cajón del Maipo (January 2022); the Enlarged Meeting of Quinta Normal on Party Organisation (November 2022). The document of the current PH Congress (which began in April 2023 and will end in April 2024), in its complete version, gathers the agreements reached after months of work of exchange and deliberation, concluding the chapters:

  • – PH IDEOLOGICAL DIMENSION – PH POLITICAL DIMENSION – PH POLITICAL-STRATEGIC DIRECTION (to 12 years) And remaining the final stage with its tactical plan, calendar and progress indicators. (at the end of March 2024) As for the agreed political direction, we socialize here a few key aspects, within a much broader and more detailed document, namely:
  • – An inspiring collective project, that manages to translate and incorporate the contents and forms that best respond to the vision of horizontality, valuing diversity and binding participatory democracy; overcoming verticalism, manipulation, and the deviations of personalistic leadership.
    Useful and functional, rooted in the grassroots, being a way for the various social struggles, as a political instrument at the service of the social base and social movements, allowing it to achieve progress.
  • – The Humanist Party of Chile aspires to consolidate itself as a solid political organization, cohesive and rooted at the national, regional, and communal levels, with the autonomy of implementation and active participation of the militancy in diverse tasks.
  • – The Humanist Party’s general objective for the year 2035 is to consolidate itself as a recognized political force, ethical and committed to the construction of a just and nonviolent society. To achieve this, it will be advancing in various internal dimensions that will strengthen its identity and projection towards society (…) – To promote personal work oriented towards social transformation, through the creation of collective ambits that allow us to overcome the difficulties inherent to militancy. This implies the incorporation of roles and values appropriate to the different functions of political and social work, through processes of self-training shared with other party members with similar interests.
  • – In the short term, the PH will seek to consolidate its presence in different communes of the country, winning municipalities to implement communal plans elaborated and supervised by the local community, seeking to build a replicable demonstration effect, in which another new form of collective governance is possible and, in this way, overcome the current entrapment with “administrations fragile to corruption, with a tendency to inefficiency, idleness and subjugation to the central government of the day”.
  • – Widely disseminate the conclusions of the PH Congress, which allows to analysis, clarify and define the direction of the Humanist Party in the national political scenario.

Collaborators: Ricardo Lisboa Henríquez; M. Angélica Alvear Montecinos; Guillermo Garcés Parada; Sandra Arriola Oporto and César Anguita Sanhueza. Public Opinion Commission