The Third World March for Peace and Non-violence

Who wouldn’t dream and hope for wars to end?

For nuclear weapons to be finally abolished and eliminated?

For conflicts to be resolved without resorting to wars, killings, acts of terror, and subjugation?

For all forms of violence and discrimination to disappear from the face of the earth?

Who wouldn’t dream for peace on earth to finally reign?

This was what moved the organisms of the Humanist Movement and hundreds of concerned groups and people in all parts of the world to stage the First World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

The First World March for Peace and Non-violence

To call for an end to all wars and all forms of violence, the first World March for Peace and Non-violence took place on October 2, 2009, and crossed six continents, bringing together the voices of millions of people, of diverse groups, of different races and nationalities, who marched together in 90 countries, all in concerted unison.

It departed from Wellington (New Zealand) and arrived in Punta de Vacas (Argentina) on January 2, 2010, after traveling to 200 cities in 97 countries promoting peace and nonviolence (in particular, nuclear disarmament). An international base team traveled 180.000 km around the world for 3 months. To see some clips on the first World March, go to

The World March Base Team in the Philippines.

The Second World March for Peace and Non-violence

But as the urgent need to eliminate and end the wars, armed conflicts, discrimination, and violence that continue to place human lives in danger and imperil the world we all live in, the Second World March took place. It left Madrid on 2 October 2019. It returned there on 8 March 2020 after more than 5 months and 184.000 Km, traveling 285 cities in 51 countries from Africa, America, Asia and Europe. More than 3000 people and 500 organizations have collaborated with the 600 activists from the local and base teams of the different countries. One of the main points of the 2WM was, just like in the first one, nuclear disarmament, but this time focused on supporting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

To get a glimpse of the second World March for Peace and Nonviolence, Pakistan Team, Day-1 in Nepal, click here:

2WM in Nepal

The Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Today, just seeing the hundreds of people dying in Gaza, caught in the Middle East conflict, and the dire situation in Ukraine, tells us that much has still to be done.

The Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence will begin on October 2, 2024, and will start in Costa Rica, a country that embraced nonviolence by dispensing with the army. It will come at a paradigmatic moment in the history of nonviolence at a global level and especially at a European level. It will end there on January 5, 2025.

On October 2nd, International Day of Nonviolence, the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence was presented at the Economic Society of Friends of the Country in the city of Malaga.

Nonviolence presented in Malaga.

This event took place hours after the organization, World Without Wars and Violence presented it in the Spanish Congress of Deputies, thus marking the start of this campaign.

Oct 2, 2023. The third edition of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence was presented both at the Congress of Deputies of Spain and at the legislative assembly of Costa Rica. Image by Pepi Munoz and-Juan Carlos Marin.

The European coordination meeting on the third World March took place from 13 to 15 October in Spain, at the Park of Reflection and Studies in Toledo, with 30 people coming from various places in Spain, France, Italy, and Germany.

European coordination at the Study and Reflection Park in Toledo (Image by MSGSV).

Crucial because conditions on the planet have deteriorated even more badly since the first two World Marches, the 3rd WM will report the dangerous worldwide situation with increasing conflicts, to keep on creating awareness, to make the positive actions visible, and to give voice to the new generations who wish to install the Nonviolence culture.

Yes, we may not have the capacity or be in the position to end all the wars, armed conflicts, and acts of violence happening planetwide. But, we have the capacity to say that non-violent means to end all conflicts is not just possible, but crucial and necessary to ensure the survival of all human life and the planet we all live in.

Why support and be there in the Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence?

3rd World March volunteer from Nepal, Kabir Kumar Ranjitkar, says, “The upcoming 3WM has encouraged us all. I hope that this 3WM will go ahead beautifully, with the participation of more countries with the slogan of peace and non-violence.  It is our wish that this 3WM move ahead with its purpose and goal.  We are ready and proud to welcome 3WM to Nepal.”And, he is looking forward to the first Asia Pacific preparation meeting which will be held this Saturday, Dec. 16.”

In an article written by Tiziana Volta, she writes, “Every day we hear about the worsening of conflict situations in the world, and every day we ourselves are more and more at “war” with ourselves. The World March is that hope that by meeting, by knowing each other, by joining forces, everything is possible. And with this hope, I set out towards the Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence.”

All humanists, peace activists, concerned NGOs, and groups are invited to join the Chat with Rafael de la Rubia, on December 16, 2023. Keep the date and the times on the invite open and for how to join, email Decler at


All the history of the March, its aims, thousands of collaborators, endorsers and activities, can be found in the book and the website

World Without Wars and Violence
World Without Wars and Violence has been a non-profit organization for more than 20 years and receives no funding from any government. It has “Special Consultative Status” with the UN Economic and Social Council.

Convergence of Culturas
Convergence of Cultures is an organism that is part of the Humanist Movement. Its mission is: 1. To facilitate and stimulate dialogue between cultures. 2. To fight discrimination and violence. 3. To take its proposal to all latitudes.