On the 3rd of December more than 20.000 climate activists marched in Brussels.

Text and Photos by Dimitrios Karyamis

The march was organised by the Climate Coalition which is an organisation that brings together a wide range of NGO’S and trade unions all over Belgium. These 100 associations have been mobilizing since 2009 among the climate coalition. Participating in the march were many other organisations and political parties.

“Take to the streets en masse to demand that Belgium and Europe finally get their act together to make the industry sector sustainable, improve the quality of our public transport, insulate our homes and restore nature,” said Nicolas Van Nuffel, Chair of Climate Coalition.

The climate coalition deems that, with the 1.5C limit of global warming getting closer every day, the top priority of the next government should be how to combat the climate crisis.

The Climate Coalition calling for the march said:

“Every tenth of a degree counts. This refers to the fact that every 0.1°C less of a degree of warming means more biodiversity, more equality, better jobs, more clean air, fewer heatwaves and less flooding. Every tenth of a degree we gain means a better future and a less difficult world for us, our children, and their children.”

Among others, the protesters asked for the protection of nature, for housing to be accessible for everyone and eco-friendly, for the reduction of CO2 emissions, for transitional justice, for carbon neutrality by 2040, and for international solidarity.

While COP28 is taking place in Dubai, the pressure is building to abide by the commitment of  1.5-degree limit agreed by world leaders in Paris in 2015.