The indigenous peoples’ organisations of the NOA stand in solidarity and say no more genocide in the pre-existing indigenous communities!

We express our indignation and concern for the inhuman conditions that the population belonging to the Indigenous Peoples of the Noa Region are going through, particularly those of the WICHI People, in the current Province of Salta, who have been suffering the absence of public policies, which are reflected in the neglect and abandonment by the Municipalities, the Government of Salta, and the National Government, causing one of the worst human rights, health, education, housing, territorial and development with identity crises.

The Territory of the Pre-existing Wichi Nation/People is very large, located in the heart of the Chaco Salteño, with a very rich biodiversity and with an intercultural coexistence that is not yet adapted to current times, which leads to some criminals with the complicity of public officials, pretending to live as in the last century, without respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Pamela Julia Fernanda Flores, the 12-year-old Wichi teenager, murdered and found on the side of Route 81 at the access to the town of Pluma de Pato, Rivadavia Banda Norte Salta. PAMELA makes visible the victims of femicides, victims of extreme poverty with vulnerable needs and insufficient efforts to observe the reality as the Defender of the Rights of Children and Adolescents and the dark history of lack of Justice.

The negligence of those in power continues to accumulate postcards of deaths that could be avoided if they did not prioritize exclusion, inequality, dispossession, evictions and territorial displacement, in exchange for the savage extractivism of native forests, the main source of subsistence, keeping the development of life in the Indigenous Communities on hold, submerging them in silent tears and hidden from the deep pain of a Mother and a People who only want to LIVE.

OPINOA -Organisations of Indigenous Peoples of the NOA- we demand:

  • Justice for Pamela Julia Fernanda Flores. Urgent clarification of the femicide.
  • Declare a health, housing and territorial emergency for the Wichi People.
  • Form an intercultural commission with national bodies for the effective application of human rights in the indigenous peoples in the Province of Salta.
  • Historical Reparation of the Constitutional mandate Article 75 inc. 17 and 22 and Implementation of the Indigenous Community Property Law.
  • No more indiscriminate logging, no more open-pit mining, no more soya frontier that pollutes and kills.

The Territory is not negotiable, it is our identity, it is our LIFE!

“For a Sovereign and Plurinational State”.

Indigenous Territory, 24 January 2022.

Consejo de Delegados de Comunidades Aborígenes Pueblo Ocloya-Jujuy, Pueblo Omaguaca- Jujuy, Ateneo de la Lengua y Cultura Guaraní Regional Jujuy -Consejo de la Nación Tonokoté Llutki-Santiago del Estero- Organización Tigre Azulado de Comunidades Indígenas Nación Guaraní- Salta, Consejo del Pueblo Tastil – Salta Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní APG Salta, Casa de la Cultura AWAWA Iruya Salta-Comunidad Tulían Nación Comechingon Córdoba.