We spoke with Nicole Myers, New Yorker, Silo messenger and co-promoter of the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection, near New York City.

The conversation was part of the commemoration of the “Mission of the 80s”, a series of events in different parts of the world organised by Silo and a group of friends, including Nicole.

Forty years after that initiative, this coming 31 October, some members of that team invite you to commemorate the event that took place in Bombay, on the Chowpatty beach where more than 10,000 people gathered.

Below is the video of the full interview, as well as a written transcript of the main ideas.

-Why this commemorative act?

-Silo spoke very clearly about the crisis, but it was quite unusual. Many people didn’t understand very well what that crisis was about and how deep it was, but 40 years later that crisis continues, it is here, in all continents, in all sectors, in all fields and nobody can say that there is no crisis and the question is how to get out of this crisis and if there is a future. We feel that, in the face of this crisis situation, the words that were said at that time are now beginning to resonate, giving us a message of what we can do today… Those words are the message that we need today.

-What was said then, what was the message?

-It was the very title of the event: There is still a future! In all the events the importance of inner faith to avoid destruction was spoken about: ‘without inner faith there is fear. Fear produces suffering. Suffering produces violence and violence produces destruction. Therefore, inner faith prevents and avoids destruction’.

Silo also spoke about the importance of reconciliation with oneself, with the other, with the past; so much so that at the end of the talks he asked us – and asked people – to stand up and deeply ask to be able to reconcile; to stop blaming themselves and start going out to others. He also talked about the importance of the message of ‘treat others as you want to be treated’… And of course, everybody says this, but if we really did this, if we really made it our daily practice, everything would change and people’s lives would change… We need this in order to humanise the Earth.

-What are you looking for now?

-To promote an experience that gives us meaning, to see what actions really give us meaning and thus allow us to open up the future… That message being true at the time, it ends up being very relevant today and of great impact for the future.

-What other activities are you involved in as Silo’s messenger?

-In developing the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection, in the outskirts of New York. It is a point of light for humanity. We are now building the meditation hall.

And I am also working with an international team on a programme called ‘Seven Days of Asking’. A practice that has been going on for centuries and which Silo spoke about at the inauguration of the Parque de la Reja in Buenos Aires.

It is a very simple but profound practice that produces a whole transformation. It is what we call meditation of the heart. This deep love that we have inside us, in our hearts, can be developed, and through this request we can find out what we really need and what other people need. And there we can see what is the beauty and the potential of these intentions that come from the heart and the power also in the sense of well-being.

The next meeting will be on 7 November. We are developing a website so that everyone can find out about it and do it themselves.

It is a very useful tool to reconcile ourselves and find new answers in the depths of our being. It is very helpful and full of joy. It is a very simple technique. It is about connecting and asking for something; then your mind is directly directed towards it and – it seems like magic – a new reality starts to constellate.

-You have been involved in Siloism for decades. Why?

-I was always looking for meaning in life. I looked in different places and there I came across Silo’s words and the way he approached the question of how to turn meaninglessness into meaning. It is not something that someone has convinced me of, it is something that I have experienced. It’s an experience that has helped me a lot but it’s not just an individual experience, it has to do with what one does with others – a back and forth – and this seemed to me to be very coherent.

We work on personal development and that of others through tools that help to find the true meaning in life, which is transcendence… and as these actions accumulate and produce growing happiness, we move forward. It is important to connect with that need to find answers to one’s purpose in life.

…I can’t think of anything more interesting to do than to share this with as many people as possible. All of this is a great gift and anyone can experience it without necessarily believing in anything. This is not a religion, but a practice that makes us feel good as long as we can do it with others.

We are definitely working on the YES path.

I would like to add something that defines this moment. In that Mission, Silo spoke about “the path of yes and the path of no”. The way of yes has to do with everything that unites people, that helps them, and the way of no has to do with individualism, with cruelty, with the search for power. In that dividing line we see clearly the direction that each one can choose. And we are definitely working in the direction of yes. This would be a very good synthesis of the direction of all our work.

To participate in the commemoration of the Mumbai event, you need to register in advance at this link: https://tiny.one/3wucf7fd

The event will have simultaneous translation into several languages (see image above).