2 September marks one year since the double infanticide of the Argentinean girls Lilian Mariana and María Carmen Villalba, 11 years old, at the hands of the Joint Task Forces (FTC) of the Paraguayan State.

This Monday, 6 September, there will be a massive demonstration demanding justice for the girls who were captured alive, tortured and executed; the appearance alive of Carmen Elizabeth Oviedo Villalba, “Lichita”, 14 years old, cousin of the murdered girls and key witness of the massacre of her little cousins. They are also demanding the release of Laura Villalba, María Carmen’s mother and Lilian and Lichita’s aunt, imprisoned in Paraguay for being a key witness of double infanticide, for motherhood and for bearing her surname.

The meeting will take place at 1.30pm at the corner of Pueyrredón and Las Heras (CABA) where there will be a column with the participation of children from the family, accompanied by other children of the same age as Lilian and María and organisations that work on children’s issues.

They will march to the Paraguayan Embassy in Buenos Aires where the central political and cultural event will take place with the participation of social, popular, political, human rights, neighbourhood, children’s, feminist, etc. organisations. There, the Paraguayan State will be repudiated for its repressive and infanticidal actions and particularly its leader, the stronist president Mario Abdo Benítez, the main responsible for the massacre of the girls, the disappearance of Lichita, the detention of Laura and the persecution suffered by the Villalba family.

Political-cultural actions will be carried out in different parts of Argentina and the world to demand a trial and exemplary punishment for the intellectual and material perpetrators of the double infanticide of Lilian and Maria.