The deputy of Acción Humanista, Tomás Hirsch, called on the Chilean government to ratify the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPAN), a nuclear disarmament agreement promoted by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the UN and various world organizations, in order to prohibit the production, testing, storage and use of nuclear weapons.

Saturday, October 24, with the signature of the Government of Honduras, 50 countries were completed that ratified the nuclear disarmament agreement, which had been approved by the UN on July 7, 2017, and needed at least 50 states to approve it. On January 22, 2021, it will officially enter into force.

Congressman Tomás Hirsch, who for example presented a Constitutional Reform project for Chile to renounce war as a method of conflict resolution, has been one of the promoters of nuclear disarmament. In this regard, he commented that “We are happy about this Treaty because there have been many organizations that managed to get 50 governments to ratify it. Unfortunately, Chile did not ratify the Treaty. Personally, I made numerous representations to the Foreign Relations Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies, to the Undersecretary and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Government to ratify the agreement, something that it has not done until now ”.

“This agreement is transcendental for the future of humanity; to build a future in peace and without the risk or threat of a nuclear conflagration that could destroy humanity. In Chile, we have pushed the issue and we will continue to do so, because we believe that it is essential to ratify this Treaty and, as a deputy and Acción Humanista as a political and social organization, we will continue working so that Chile is part of this Treaty, ”said Tomás Hirsch.

Translation by  Lulith V., from the voluntary Pressenza translation team. We are looking for volunteers!