The Venezuelan Government on Thursday rejected the European Union’s stance to condition the designation of a monitoring and observation mission in the legislative elections on December 6.

In a communiqué from the Foreign Ministry, the Bolivarian Government regretted the biased stance of the European External Action Service about the conditions that exist in Venezuela to renovate the National Assembly (one-house Parliament).

Caracas rejected the bloc’s insistence in ignoring the efforts made by the Venezuelan State when it agreed on a broad framework of guarantees with national political sectors, with the objective of further strengthening the ‘broad, safe and plural participation of the electoral system,’ the communiqué said.

‘In light of the invitation to join the process of observation, it is regrettable that the European Union responds with a list of conditions with the intention of even ignoring the strict constitutional mandates,’ the Government of Venezuela noted.

The broad support provided to a recent delegation of officials from the European External Action Service to implement a high-level agenda with institutions and political stakeholders was a sign of President Nicolas Maduro’s will for dialogue,’ the Government added.

Venezuelan authorities ratified the legislative elections on December 6, and repeated their condemnation of any kind of interference or efforts of foreign tutelage.

‘Venezuela expects that the European Union keeps an attitude in tune with the principles of International Law, and that it will limit itself to play a positive and respectful role of facilitation,’ the communiqué concluded.

The original article can be found here