Testimony to the New York City Council Hearing on Resolution 0976 – 2019 and INT 1621 – 2019,
January 28, 2019.

Dear Esteemed New York City Council,

Thank you very much for your critical work for nuclear abolition. I send my apologies for not being able to attend this event in person.

My name is Martha Hennessy and I am part of the New York Catholic Worker and Kings Bay Plowshares communities. I am currently awaiting sentencing for our conviction in the nonviolent, disarming action that took place April 4th, 2018 at the naval station in Kings Bay, Georgia where the Trident nuclear submarine weapons system is maintained as it awaits a signal to send nuclear warheads to any part of the globe within 15 minutes.

I understand the sacrifice that each of us must make in our work for nuclear disarmament and I send my gratitude to all of you who are involved in this effort as we drift ever closer to nuclear holocaust. We need resolutions, actions, divestments, boycotts, people in the streets, economic shut downs and all the rest to make our voices be heard. The governmental/corporate profiteers will not let go of their evil schemes unless we, the people make them. We must do this through initiatives such as this public hearing and resolutions put forth by local governments. We can no longer bear the incredible risks and unsustainable costs of our nuclear arsenal that is both immoral and illegal.

Let’s take back our money, research, and resources and apply them for the crying human needs around the country and world. We no longer consent to nor accept a vision that brings nothing but horror on the heads of all humankind, no thank you! Let’s support Resolution 0976 and all legislative efforts to ban the bomb now!

Thank you.

Martha Hennessy
Maryhouse Catholic Worker