Al over the world there have been demonstrations in support of the rebellion in Chile, fuelled by the core tiredness of the people of having their basic rights played with by the same elite that has accumulated and concentrated the country’s resources for way too long. That includes the governments that after Pinochet´s rule were supposed to open the society to foster a more equal country — but, contrary to it, except for some cosmetic measures, only deepened the “model”. This process coincides with many others currently going on in the planet, in what we expect will be the beginning of the end of neoliberalism as expression of the “prehistory” of human conscience and its infinite possibilities.

#resignpiñera #piñeraresign #endofneoliberalism #ChileWokeUp #ChileRebellion


London, United Kingdom


Montréal, Canada

Barcelona, Spain

Plaza Cataluña, Barcelona
Plaza Cataluña, Barcelona


Berlin, Germany


In Germany they have produced a great short documentary, that you can find here:

Chile en llamas


Lisboa, Portugal






Okinawa, Japan




Do you have pics or videos of demonstrations in support of Chile in your city or country, to add or complete a gallery? Do you have pics or videos of other Chilean regions?

Please communicate with us to