How do we imagine our future to look like? How do we want it to be like? A question that I’ve been dealing with lately.

It’s not only my future that concerns me but most of all the future of this world.

What will the world look like?

What about nature and cities?

Will climate change get out of control and cause disasters, or will we be able to combat global warming?

Will artificial intelligence prevail over us and replace our own intelligence?

Will technology replace our ability to think, act and move?

What will our system of government, our politics look like?

Numerous films and books have already dealt with the future. The future portrayed in these stories makes me uneasy and this feeling can only disappear with the thought that all this is ultimately just fiction. The world depicted in these “futuristic stories” is often surrounded by darkness and consists of a regime that controls people. There is no space for the individual, no humanity, no feelings or emotions. Man is more or less portrayed as a controllable being that demands efficiency and obedience. Technology dominates life. And there’s no more room for nature.

Why, I wonder, do authors and filmmakers imagine such a dark future?

Why is the future always portrayed in this way?

These thoughts and ideas about the future are spread by some people and received by others. Thus, thoughts and ideas about a world in which humanity and culture are to be displaced and replaced by technology and artificial intelligence start to grow.

For something to become reality, it must first be thought of.

That’s why being aware of what we think about is so important.

The people who portray such a future in their films and books – do they really want to experience that future? Is it their wish or just their imagination that wants to create content for entertainment? Why is such a vision of our future so exciting and worth seeing for so many people?

My vision of the future looks completely different – fortunately.

And I am probably not the only one who thinks about a better future and also believes in it. There is much to improve in this world, but that does not mean that it cannot be done. On the contrary, there are so many people who are committed to a better future. Be it through changes that have to do with one’s own attitude and way of life, be it through involvement in local or regional projects that are concerned with improving our present and future. Whatever it is that brings positivity into the world, it must be expressed, shown, heard and disseminated. Media must be created that does not spread terror and turmoil, but hope and motivation. Only in this way the thoughts and ideas of people who do not believe in a better future can change. Only in this way will we be able to change the reality of our future, because every action begins with a thought.

I want to imagine a future in which the diversity of cultures is preserved, in which every human being has the right to his individuality, in which humanity is present, which can be lived through the presence and expression of feelings and emotions. I want to see a future in which there is a right to freedom, a right to expression and an exchange of ideas. And above all I want to see a future in which people live together and not for themselves or against each other.