The 18th symposium of the Basic Income Network took place on 26th and 27th October at the headquarters of Barcelona Activa. It was possible to present the basic aspects of this proposal, as well as more technical, political and social aspects. As indicated on the website itself, “Universal basic income can be the key to achieving a more egalitarian society where a vital income and the freedom of all citizens are guaranteed”.
After the welcome given on the first day by Daniel Raventós, president of the Network, and Sara Berbel, Manager of Economic Policy and Local Development and General Director of Barcelona Activa, the latter presented “A Basic Income for equality”, where she highlighted the contribution that an Unconditional Universal Basic Income ) would represent for gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Afterwards, the table “Projects and experiments of basic income and financing” was developed, where Lluís Torrens, Jordi Arcarons and Bru Lain presented in turn the details of a new financing model, gave thanks to the contribution of some thousands of tax returns for 2014, with a level of detail higher than those used to develop the first model in 2010. These data are representative, as is the model, for the whole of Catalonia. Beyond the new data provided, which made it possible to better adjust the 12 different scenarios evaluated, the NUBI financing proposal still has the same premises: financing through a reform of the Personal Income Tax, without taking away any additional expenditure by the State.

The following day, two tables were held consecutively: “Women, freedom, democracy and basic income. What can basic income contribute to freedom, the fight against discrimination against women and democracy? and “Economic policy, work(s) and basic income: challenges for the future”. Carme Valls, Paula Moreno, Núria Alabao and David Casassas took part in the first of these, of a more social and political nature, while in the second, of a more economic nature, Leire Rincón, Daniel Raventós, Niño Becerra, Pere Rusiñol and Sònia Fuertes.
All the panels were exhibited in the Auditorium of Barcelona Activa, which was full of people quite knowledgeable and supporters of the proposal.
In the afternoon there was a meeting of the members of the Network, closing the whole event with the screening of the documentary “NUBI, our right to live”, made by Álvaro Orús, and Cinefórum. At the end there was a brief colloquium with the presence of Orús himself and Mayte Quintanilla, collaborator in the documentary, member of Humanists for NUBI.[Network for Universal Basic Income]

Further information and
Translated from Spanish by Pressenza London