On October 12 will be 1,000 days of arbitrary and illegal detention of the militant and social leader Milagro Sala. The international coordination for the liberation of Milagro Sala has launched a worldwide campaign to attack selfishness in the streets of the planet.
It’s about demonstrating wherever you want, perhaps in significant and historic places, monuments, parliaments, etc …. one or more of the posters that you can see below

or download it in several languages at this address
After the operation, an individual or group photo is taken and sent to the email or twitter addresses of Gerardo Morales and Mauricio Macri, the main promoters of this judicial and media persecution of the brave social activist.
These are the addresses:
If you send them to redazioneitalia@pressenza.com they will be included in a photographic report that Pressenza will dedicate to the event.