Donald Trump is stocking his cabinet with testosterone-heavy generals, installing the most militarized administration in modern American history. We’ll need a vibrant CODEPINK female-led “Peace Posse” to steer them away from more aggression.

If Donald Trump tries to rip up the Iran nuclear deal, we’ll be fiercely mobilizing with our international partners to defend President Obama’s singular foreign policy achievement.

If Donald Trump contemplates creating a Muslim registry, we’ll stand side-by-side with our Muslim brothers and sisters to make certain no such abomination prevails.

If Donald Trump wants to roll back diplomatic relations with Cuba, we’ll roll into Havana to openly challenge his aggression with friendship and love.

If Donald Trump gives corporate America greater leeway to violate Mother Earth, we’ll be there building the alternative: a caring, sharing, local peace economy.

As we move into a new world of many unknowns, CODEPINK will stand strong for what you believe in: love and respect, diplomacy, political solutions, an end to war and a locally-based peace economy.

Donald’s Trumps foreign policy? Dangerously unpredictable.

CODEPINK’s actions? Beautifully predictable.

Let us rise, love and resist together as we move, courageously, into 2017.

Ariel, Farida, Jodie, Mariana, Mark, Medea, Nancy, Paki, Paula, and Samira