Gangjeong villagers May 9 (2013) were removed while protecting tents they had long used just across the road from the Navy base construction gate on Jeju Island, South Korea. The government continues with its aggressive stance and crackdown on the Jeju protesters and no change is apparent since the election of the new president Park Geun-hye, daughter of a former South Korean dictator. Park was seen as a USA puppet and the question is, will his daughter follow that lead and serve the same purpose.

The villager’s tents were used by construction gate sited protesters. They are being removed again and again from public spaces as the Navy operation tightens its grip on the village. Their plans show that they intend to take large sections of the village for military personnel housing once the port facilities are complete.

This base will be a key port for the US Navy that is now moving a major part of its forces to the Asia-Pacific under Obama’s military “pivot”. Gangjeong village sits just 300 miles from the Chinese mainland making the proposed Navy base there a strategic outpost for the Pentagon.

Over recent weeks the Jeju crackdown has involved the deportation of several international activists who had been in the village in solidarity with the protest for quite a long time.

news taken from  Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space – dated May 10, 2013.
