

Rafael Gonzalez aka Tufawon, Standing Rock Water Protector: Hip-hop as a vehicle for social change

On the occasion of the European Tour of the Standing Rock Water Protectors we had the opportunity to meet the young rapper and activist Rafael Gonzalez alias Tufawon. In this intense and engaging interview, Rafael talks about his first-line experience…

The US and its Climate Change Problem.

By David Andersson A week ago, US President Donald Trump announced his unsurprising decision to remove the US  from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Most of the media ascribed the decision to Trump’s misunderstanding of the issue. Very few…

What On Earth Is A Human Being?

This article is based on a presentation made at a conference on 13 June, 2017 in Rosario, Argentina titled “Madre Tierra: Una Sola Salud” or  “Mother Earth: Only One Health” By Satya Sagar Many years ago when my daughter was…

Don’t Blame the Left for Violence in America

Republicans–and quite a few Democrats–are trying to exploit the mass shooting in Alexandria to demonize left-wing expressions of discontent toward the system. By Danny Katch TWO CONTRADICTORY messages emerged following Wednesday’s mass shooting in Alexandria, Virginia: One, the left and…

In victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, court finds that approval of Dakota Access pipeline violated the law

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe won a significant victory in its fight to protect the Tribe’s drinking water and ancestral lands from the Dakota Access pipeline. A federal judge ruled that the federal permits authorizing the pipeline to cross the…

With Grenfell Tower, we’ve seen what ‘ripping up red tape’ really looks like

by George Monbiot for The Guardian Too often safety has been sacrificed to an agenda of deregulation backed by lobbyists: it’s time to put the public interest above corner-cutting and greed For years successive governments have built what they call a…

Standing Rock Sioux Wins Major Legal Victory Against Dakota Access Pipeline

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has won a major legal victory in federal court on Wednesday, which may have the power to force the shutdown of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. On Wednesday, District Judge James Boasberg ruled that…

Corbyn’s tax policy has weakened the Tories: a focus on corporate dominance could leave them floundering

Terry Hathaway 15 June 2017 for openDemocracy Corbyn’s appropriation of traditionally neoliberal promises on tax has exposed contradictions in Tory economic policy. Here’s how he could further shed light on an economic system that is not delivering for the many.…

UK doctor denounces Health Secretary, accuses him of incompetence

In the recent UK general election, the Minister for Health, Jeremy Hunt, was opposed in his constituency by a doctor standing for the National Health Action Party.  Dr Louise Irvine, sadly lost the vote by a over 20,000 votes yet did…

We’re off! to ban nuclear weapons

As talks to ban nuclear weapons through a legally binding treaty restart at the UN in New York, Reaching Critical Will brings us their valuable analysis and insight. It’s game on for round two of the nuclear ban negotiations! Delegations…

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