
Human Rights

How activists plan to win on net neutrality

By Jay Cassano, May 29, 2014 for Waging Nonviolence On May 15, the Federal Communications Commission approved with a 3-2 vote to go ahead with its proposed net neutrality rules. These rules, although claiming to protect the open Internet, would…

The Migrants’ Files: Database of Death around the European Borders

They know their lives are at risk, yet each year thousands of people from Africa, the Middle East and beyond — war refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants — leave their homes and try to reach the promised land of…

Adonis, a voice carried by the Syrian winds….

This translator and writer, known as Adonis,  is “one of the greatest living Arab poets”, and was born on January 1, 1930 at Qassabine in Syria. His family was a humble one; however, when he was only seventeen, he published…

William Worthy & Vincent Harding: Thank You and Goodbye

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan The world lost two remarkable men in May, two African Americans who helped shape modern history, yet whose names and achievements remain too little known. William Worthy, a journalist, died at the age of…

China’s workers defiant and determined

The two-week strike by 40,000 workers at the vast Yue Yuen shoe factory in Dongguan last month was one of the largest strikes in living memory [in China]. It was important not simply because of its sheer scale but also…

Behind Glamour, Cannes Film Festival Puts Spotlight on Human Rights

Forget about ‘Grace of Monaco’. Some of the most noteworthy films at this year’s Cannes Film Festival deal with human rights and the fight for press freedom, and they come from directors who have had to overcome financing, censorship or…

Hunger-Striking Al Jazeera Journalist Moved to Solitary Confinement

An Al Jazeera journalist on hunger strike against his imprisonment in Egypt has reportedly been moved to solitary confinement in a maximum security prison. Abdullah Elshamy has been held without charge for close to nine months and on hunger strike…

Protecting water and land from grabbers. For a new water ethic

We gladly publish the speech of Maude Barlow, president of the Council of Canadians and Food & Water Watch in the session “Discovering resources. The effects of grabbing and Europe’s role” in the International Conference” A fair future or just…

“The Stuff I Saw Really Began to Disturb Me”: How the U.S. Drone War Pushed Snowden to Leak NSA Docs

In his new book, “No Place to Hide,” journalist Glenn Greenwald provides new details on Edward Snowden’s personal story and his motivation to expose the U.S. surveillance state. “The stuff I saw really began to disturb me. I could watch…

Latin America’s LGBTI Movement Celebrates Triumphs, Sets New Goals

By Ivet González VARADERO, Cuba , May 10 2014 (IPS) – Although it might not seem to be, Latin America is the most active region in the world when it comes to the defence of the rights of lesbian, gay,…

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