

I’d Elect the People on My Facebook Page Over Any Weapons-Funded Hack

By David Swanson I asked my Facebook page which high school teacher they’d least like to have had a gun in their desk. Go read their answers. I’d elect those people over any recent president or any current member of Congress.…

Teachers’ response to Trump’s proposal to give them guns

From the United Teachers Los Angels Facebook page “I am a teacher and you want to arm me? President Trump and the NRA say the answer to stop school shootings is more guns. But we say, arm us with more…

Yes, the United States Used Biowarfare on North Korea

By David Swanson It’s sort of silly that it matters. The United States bombed North Korea flat with ordinary, non-bioweapons bombs. It ran out of standing structures to bomb. People lived in caves, if they lived. Millions died, most of…

The Coming Wars to End All Wars

By Edward Curtin “The compulsive hatred of Putin by many who have almost zero idea about Putin or Russian history is disproportionate to any rational analysis, but not surprising. Trump and Putin are like weird doppelgangers in the liberal imagination.”…

Palestinian youth in Nablus: ‘Unite and stop with the division’

Palestinian youth demonstrate in Nablus, demanding peace and calling for non-violent opposition to the occupation. By +972 Magazine Staff Palestinian youth from across the West Bank demonstrated near Al Najah University in Nablus on Monday. The demonstrators held a long…

Frederick Douglass: the ex-slave and transatlantic celebrity who found freedom in Newcastle

By Brian Ward, Northumbria University, Newcastle for The Conversation When President Donald Trump spoke at a breakfast to launch black history month last year, he gave the impression that he thought Frederick Douglass – the most eminent African American leader…

#NeverAgain: Parkland students lead thousands in rally to demand gun control legislation

“We may be too young to vote, but soon we will be able to vote and we will vote you out!” by Julia Conley, staff writer for Common Dreams The steps of the Florida State Capitol building were crowded with…

Brexit between the lines: plot to ditch EU safety standards on food and drugs

A document uncovered by Greenpeace’s investigative unit (published accidentally by the Initiative for Free Trade) has revealed “a drive to lobby ministers to ditch strict EU safety standards in order to secure a US trade deal is being drawn up by a…

Julian Assange And His Doppelganger

By Denis A Conroy, Walking along Hans Crescent every morning on my way to work, I stop briefly to look up at the balcony fronting the room which Julian Assange occupies in the Ecuadorian Embassy. I’ve been passing his place…

“We call BS!” Students respond to US government lack of action on gun laws

CNN reports that “Emma Gonzalez, a senior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, addressed a gun control rally on Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, days after a gunman entered her school in nearby Parkland and killed 17 people.” She ended…

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