

USA: Imagine if we were number one

No, not number one in military spending (which we are). Not number one in incarceration rates (which we are as well). What if, instead of these things, the U.S. became hyper-focused on becoming the most peaceful nation on earth? The…

Dr. Vandana Shiva: a 1% rule has never lasted it must be 100% participation

As the keynote speaker on the final day of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Dr. Vandana Shiva[1], an Indian environmental activist and anti-globalisation campaigner spoke about the values required for a new economic model that respects the planet and…

Roberto Blueh: Humanizing private enterprise

Mr. Blueh was one of the Speakers at the Pressenza Workshop of the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum,. Here we publish his words: “We thank Pressenza news agency for inviting us to participate in this Global Media Forum “The Future…

The empire strikes back

We are in a very dangerous period in world history as the old power structure collapses and the US dominance begins to wane.  But the empire strikes back.  By Mazin Qumsiyeh The US and Israel try to strength neoliberal governments that depend on…

Noam Chomsky at the 2013 Global Media Forum

Today Noam Chomsky spoke at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, and we leave for you the link to his very much interesting words:

The G8 Summit, lemmings and ostriches

Neither ostriches bury their heads in the sand nor lemmings commit mass suicide, these are popular myths now disproven. But humans do both and nothing like the G8 Summit to exemplify such behaviours. As usual, the G8 will gather shortly…

Why Washington Fears Iran

“Tehran has developed technical expertise in a number of areas – including uranium enrichment, nuclear reactors, and ballistic missiles – from which it could draw if it decided to build missile-deliverable nuclear weapons,” reads Director of National Intelligence James R.…

Why Arabs Need Iran

In 2011, when Arab revolts began to sweep the Middle East and North Africa, the view from Washington and its closest allies was one of concern. How would the removal of mostly pro-Western dictatorships affect the balance of power in…

Activist Edward Snowden comes to town

Activist Edward Snowden’s choice of Hong Kong as a hideaway came as a surprise to many of the territories’ citizens. It brought a sense of renewed relevance to the place for some here, who, while happy that Hong Kong is…

The economic Para-State in its yearly show of strength. Bilderberg comes to Watford, UK

It may sound like a joke as Watford is not a very glamorous place. But the meeting is taking place in a expensive countryside manor house/hotel, with all the luxury its rich and powerful members are accustomed to. They do…

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