

Yanis Varoufakis’ speech in Cuba on a new Non-Aligned Movement: Because we must!

The co-founder of DiEM25 gave a speech at the Havana Congress for a New International Economic Order in Cuba Why build a New Non-Aligned Movement to struggle for a socialist, democratic and liberating New International Economic Order? Because we must! This…

The U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Proves in Ukraine That It Forgot the Lessons of Vietnam

Friday, January 27th, marks 50 years since the signing of the Paris Peace Accords by representatives from the United States, North and South Vietnam effectively ending American participation in the Vietnamese civil conflict. What the Georgetown University international relations scholar…

Abortion is a right, not a failure, not a tragedy

Let us not respond to the neocon attack on abortion with moral or moralising arguments. It is a right, and there is no need to justify it. Just expand it and defend it. By Vanesa Jiménez/ctxt Abortion is a woman’s…

Cities are not targets

Author’s presentation on the occasion of the IPPNW European Forum meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 21 January 2023 I am honored to speak on such a special occasion, to such a special crowd, and humbled to do so in such a special…

Gosar Addresses Biden’s Reckless Decision to Escalate War and Send Tanks to Ukraine

U.S. Representative Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09) issued the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s decision to escalate our involvement in a war with Russia and send 31 M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. “Joe Biden’s decision to send American…

Davos, the great enemy of freedom

Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos Published with permission of the author. Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is looking more and more like the red carpet at Cannes, but…

An Ancient Recipe for Social Success

New evidence and understandings about the structure of successful early societies across Asia, Africa, and the Western Hemisphere are sweeping away the popular assumption that early societies tended toward autocracy and despotism. By Linda M. Nicholas and Gary M. Feinman…

How Dare I Oppose War Together With Libertarians?

I’m getting a lot more criticism for planning to speak at an antiwar rally at which libertarians will speak than I do for sitting around doing nothing. In fact, I get exactly no criticism ever from anyone for sitting around…

International Zero Waste Cities Conference 2023: Zero Waste to Zero Emission

One of the leading causes of climate change is unmanaged waste and at the recently held COP27 last November 2022, the continuing struggle to reach the Global Methane Pledge, which recognizes that reducing methane, a greenhouse gas over 80 times…

What Can the United States Bring to the Peace Table for Ukraine?

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has just issued its 2023 Doomsday Clock statement, calling this “a time of unprecedented danger.” It has advanced the hands of the clock to 90 seconds to midnight, meaning that the world is closer…

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