
Middle East

AIPAC & U.S. Congress Anti-Boycott Bill Against BDS Movement

By Irwin Jerome A truly shocking and disturbing action is currently afoot in the United States Congress. AIPAC & the U.S. Congress have now introduced the draconian Israel Anti-Boycott Act that already has 300 co-sponsers in the House (HR1697) &…

U.S And Israel’s Violent Opposition To The BDS Movement

By Irwin Jerome All over the world, political speech and activism is being criminalized, no matter how peaceful, non-violent and warranted the protests may be. No where better can this criminalization be found than in Palestine where, for decades, Israeli…

Iraqi Sources Place Real Death Toll In US-Led Siege Of Mosul At 40,000

By Bill Van Auken According to intelligence reports from Iraq, the US-led massacre in Mosul has claimed a staggeringly higher toll of Iraqi civilian lives then had previously been reported. More than 40,000 men, women and children were killed in…

Turkey: More Than 40 Academics Arrested at 2 Istanbul Universities Monday

In Turkey, more than 40 academics and university workers were arrested at two Istanbul universities on Monday, amid Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s widening crackdown. Among those arrested on charges of alleged terrorist links was professor of political science Koray…

UK campaigners seek to appeal ‘very disappointing’ verdict on arms exports to Saudi Arabia

Campaigners have said they will appeal a High Court decision which allows the UK Government to continue exporting arms to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen. The verdict came despite global concern over the use of these weapons against civilians. The legal action was brought…

Observations in Iran

By Robert Fantina Iran is not a typical tourist destination for most North Americans. It is a mainly Muslim country, and to hear United States President Donald Trump and the various talking heads surrounding him describe Islam, all Muslims are…

The US attack on a mosque in Syria was ‘legal’, concludes an internal investigation. Really?

The United States has concluded its internal investigation into the bombing of the Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque in Syria and declared that it was “legal”. According to the official version of events, “two dozen” Al-Qaeda fighters were killed with possibly…

Report on alleged April Idlib chemical attack based on questionable evidence – Russian OPCW rep

The latest OPCW report on the April Idlib chemical incident lacks sufficient evidence and is based on data provided mostly by only one side of the Syrian conflict without necessary verification, the Russian OPCW representative, Aleksandr Shulgin, told RT. “The…

Washington’s new threat against Syria, Russia and Iran: Invitation to false flag operation

By Farhang Jahanpour On Monday 26th June, the White House released a statement saying that the United States had “identified potential preparations for another chemical attack by the Assad regime…” It went on to say: “If, however, Mr. Assad conducts…

US-led coalition admits use of white phosphorus in Mosul amid mounting criticism

A New Zealand general has confirmed that the US-led coalition fighting in Mosul has used munitions loaded with white phosphorus. It comes amid mounting criticism over the use of the multipurpose weapon, which can be extremely dangerous to civilians. Over…

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