

European Nuclear Deterrent a Harebrained Illegal Proposal

It is quite astonishing and clearly insane, that Manfred Weber, the German leader of the European Union’s center-right European People’s Party, now expected to come in first in the European Parliament election scheduled on June 6-9th, is calling for the…

Is the United States preparing a coup against Zelenski?

The Pentagon would have already seen its objective of preventing Russian expansion by having it encircled at its borders fulfilled, while the US Congress and Senate would already consider the Ukrainian conflict as a bottomless pit that should be immediately…

How to Avoid Whiplash in 2024 and 2025

Parallel Realities Over the course of the last ten to twelve months, I’ve had conversations with more than a few of my fellow Democrats (I’m still officially on the books as a member of the Democratic Party) about an array…

Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped

Wednesday, June 12, 2024; 1:00—3:00 p.m. ET National Press Club, Washington, D.C.; and on-line via Zoom Speakers: Scott Ritter: former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black: former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal…

RED ALERT: Ukrainian Strike on Russian Early Warning Radar Threatens To Unleash Nuclear World War

Throughout Wednesday night and Thursday morning [May 22-23], Ukrainian drones struck the Armavir Radar Station in Russia’s southwestern Krasnodar Krai region, a part of Russia’s early warning radar system designed to detect an incoming ICBM attack. This radar is one…

Gaza and Ukraine to WWIII: The NATO Problem

What does NATO have to do with current and looming wars? How does NATO work and what is it working on? How does an alliance whose members and partners make up 69.4% of the world’s military spending shape international relations?…

NATO “Youth Summit” Tells Viewers to Get Ready for War

The recent NATO “Youth Summit,” even on double speed, is over an hour and a half on Youtube. I couldn’t watch it all, as it just made me feel old — so old that I can remember when people could feel…

Ukraine: assessments and prospects

The two hotbeds of war in the world at the moment are Palestine and Ukraine. The supporters of peace, more numerous than the government spokespeople and the mainstream media which relay them want to admit, have an interest in understanding…

NATO Spreads Nuclear Weapons, Energy, and Risk

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty declares that NATO members will assist another member if attacked by “taking action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.” But the UN Charter does not say anywhere that warmaking…

NATO’s entry into the Ukrainian war?

The war in Ukraine would have meant a return to the Cold War between Russia and the USA and a return to the Doctrine of Containment, the foundations of which were laid out by George F. Kennan in his essay…

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