
Israel Palestine conflict

There Is No Right Side in War

Many of us have called wars like those on Iraq and Afghanistan by the name “wars” or sometimes the name “occupation,” but the current war on Gaza by the name “genocide.” They’ve all been extremely one-sided slaughters of mostly civilians…

Veterans for Peace Joins International Delegation Attempt to Reach Rafah Border Crossing With Gaza

VFP member Danny O’Brien, VFP Board member Gerry Condon, and VFP Advisory Board member, journalist Chris Hedges, are among an international delegation of writers, lawyers, journalists, activists, students, and organizers who arrived in Cairo, Egypt this week with the goal…

Activating the Genocide Convention

There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of…

Denunciation to the International Criminal Court for genocide and other crimes (art. 15.1)

The unacceptable must be fought by all means On 9 November [2023] at 11 am in The Hague, a denunciation for genocide and other crimes (art.15.1) concerning Palestine in particular will be presented to the International Criminal Court. The underlying…

Israel in Gaza: a genocidal enterprise?

The twentieth century has been marked by several genocidal enterprises. In 1899-1902, the United States was closely associated with the genocide of 3 million people in the Philippines[1]. In 1907, King Leopold of Belgium led an army that killed over…

Towards the end of human dignity

In response to the humanitarian appeal of the University of Birzeit in Palestine , the Edward Said Free Chair of Palestinian Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, pronounces: it is necessary to break the explanatory…

San Benigno gate. Genoa dock workers prepare to block weapons in transit to Israel

As has been happening for some years, dock workers in Italy manage to combine the fight for rights against all discrimination and exploitation, with concrete initiatives alongside oppressed peoples. They have built a network between all the dock workers and…

Latin America in front of the Palestinian Genocide

“It is not acceptable that the millions of people around the world who oppose the genocide and dispossession of the Palestinian people are powerless to stop the genocide. We can demand that the governments of Latin American countries withdraw their…

How Netanyahu Funded, Built Up and Made an Ally of Hamas From 2012 to 2018

The following excerpt is from an article in Haaretz, one of Israel’s most widely-read mainstream newspapers. It was written by Dmitry Shumsky and published on Oct 11, 2023. The piece has been followed almost daily by a series of articles…

The Propaganda of Violence in Full Motion

We are living in what feels like a full-action reality show, jumping from conflict to conflict. News coverage is 24/7, with crises from Iraq to Ukraine and now Israel and Palestine. Some media are already working on the next conflict…

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