
International Women Day

Women, Life, Freedom: The Power and Promise of International Women’s Day

March 8th, International Women’s Day, arrived not a day too soon, as women, half the world’s human population, still endure varying degrees of oppression, violence, inequality and discrimination. This day’s living history is steeped in struggle and celebration; a day…

Hypatia and the “triumphant beasts”.

There is no better date to remember Hypatia of Alexandria than 8 March, International Women’s Day. She lived approximately between 370-417 AD and will remain one of the most eminent people of humanity. She was a teacher at the Library…

Feminist Allies

Every year on the eve of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, 8M, the role of men in the feminist and gender equality cause is discussed. The ever-present question is: Can a man be a feminist? The general dilemma arises…

Neither forgetting nor forgiving

For me, 8 March is not a day of greetings and congratulations. It is a day to commemorate one of the most cruel and shocking tragedies to have occurred on our continent: the sentencing to death of 56 girls in…

8M “The revolution will be feminist or it won’t be”.

“But the system is a man’s world where women have not been able to have access ……” Silo The relentless struggle of women and the spread of feminism in the world has been thanks to countless courageous women who have…

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin – 20th century feminist

March 8, International Working Women’s Day, is approaching and I remember a cartoon in a Latin American magazine. There was an elegant woman doing her nails and she shouts to her maid: “Maria, bring me my coat, I’m late for…

The equality revolution

The process of women’s liberation, alternative sexualities, old masculinity (image of being a man) and its forms of expression. By Gladys Mendoza Jaque Always, on the way to achieving greater human freedom, it is necessary to overcome cultural, economic and…

8 March: Freedom for the Mapuche women prisoners

There are many demands with which we come to this 8M. In this letter, we are writing to all the compañeras and compañeres who are organising actions in different territories of Abya Yala, to propose that the demand to the…

The women who stood with Martin Luther King Jr. and sustained a movement for social change

Historian Vicki Crawford was one of the first scholars to focus on women’s roles in the civil rights movement. Her 1993 book, “Trailblazers and Torchbearers,” dives into the stories of female leaders whose legacies have often been overshadowed. By Vicki Crawford Today…

Women Don’t Let Women Drive War: Feminists Say Fire Nuland

When President Biden nominated Victoria Nuland as Undersecretary of State, CODEPINK feminists objected to her nomination out of concern she would bring pain and heartache to mothers and daughters as she fomented war in their midst. Instead of promoting diplomacy,…

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