
Donald Trump

Today was a Real Women’s Day

The Women’s March on NYC, echoing a larger demonstration in Washington, D.C. and others across the country, began near the United Nations around 11 a.m. to protest the new president — going right by his Midtown home at the Trump…

Don of a New Day

Donald Trump, a combative New York businessman who harnessed a powerful populist message for a deeply divided country in his first bid for public office, took the oath of office Friday as the 45th president of the United States. Trump,…

NYC: Activists Launch Encampment Outside Goldman Sachs Headquarters

In New York City, over 100 people set up a protest encampment outside the headquarters of financial giant Goldman Sachs, which they are calling “Government Sachs.” At least three of Trump’s Cabinet and Cabinet-level picks are tied to Goldman Sachs,…

How America Went from Hope to Cynicism in the Obama Era

By Danny Katch Inauguration Day marks the official transfer of power from Barack Obama to Donald Trump, but the real transition became painfully apparent earlier this month. Obama gave a farewell address to thousands of adoring fans in Chicago on…

January 19-21: Bringing Love & Peace

We were appalled when President-elect Donald Trump nominated Jeff Sessions, a blatant racist, to be our next US Attorney General. Sessions opposes criminal justice reform, supports voter repression, and even voted against the Violence Against Women Act! As his confirmation…

Trump, a catastrophe or a catalyst for change?

By Ana Carvallo With the nail-biting inauguration of January 20th rapidly approaching, many feel a gut-wrenching sense of unease at the prospect of an inexperienced, loud-mouthed and rather vulgar successor leading America into 2017. Of course, over here in Europe…

Obama, Deporter in Chief, Should Pardon the Undocumented

Donald Trump will soon sweep into the office of the U.S. presidency, buttressed by both houses of Congress firmly in Republican control. A wave of regressive executive orders and legislation are already being prepared to ensure that Trump’s first 100…

Glenn Greenwald: Democrats Eager to Blame “Everybody But Themselves” for Collapse of Their Party

As Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies at a Senate hearing on Russian cyberthreats ahead of a highly classified briefing today with President-elect Donald Trump, we speak with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, who has faced an onslaught of…

Donald Trump’s New Nuclear Instability

President-elect Donald Trump exploded a half-century of U.S. nuclear-arms policy in a single tweet last week: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” With…

2017 Seen as Turning Point for Liberal Democracies

By Jorge Valero |* Western democracies will be further challenged next year, as populist parties are expected to make gains in Europe, while China and Russia increasingly set the global agenda, taking advantage of a US withdrawal. When the Soviet…

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