
Donald Trump

Nobody Wants Trump in Office More Than Democrats

By David Swanson Ordinary people who identify themselves as Democrats have a variety of mostly noble intentions and desires. Elected Democrats in Washington, D.C., are another matter entirely. When voters gave them majorities in Congress in 2006, telling exit pollsters…

The US and its Climate Change Problem.

By David Andersson A week ago, US President Donald Trump announced his unsurprising decision to remove the US  from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Most of the media ascribed the decision to Trump’s misunderstanding of the issue. Very few…

Standing Rock Sioux Wins Major Legal Victory Against Dakota Access Pipeline

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has won a major legal victory in federal court on Wednesday, which may have the power to force the shutdown of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. On Wednesday, District Judge James Boasberg ruled that…

It Would Be a Shame Not to Ask Comey These Questions About the FBI While He’s Under Oath

The punditocracy breathlessly focuses on the appearance of fired FBI Director James Comey before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, declaring that not since Watergate has there been such must-watch testimony. The expectation, never explicitly declared but always hinted at,…

Not just Climate. Trump’s exit from Paris agreement has important Health consequences

Trump has announced that he is pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change, following through with a campaign promise to support the coal and oil sector. The Paris Agreement, signed by 195 nations in December 2015,…

Exceptionalist Trump America Exits From Paris Agreement & Launches Neoliberal War on Terra

By Dr Gideon Polya An exceptionalist Trump America has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Change Agreement and thereby launched a neoliberal War on the Planet (Terra). The US has 4.4% of the world’s population but contributes more to annual global…

Sowing the seeds of Earth democracy in Trump Times : The Planetary Crisis, Responsibilities and Rights

Reflections on World Environment Day of President Trump abandoning his responsibility to the Earth and the community of nations). By Dr Vandana Shiva, 4 June 2017, republished from the Seed Freedom website. 5th of June is World Environment Day –…

Trump Uses London Attack as Excuse to Call for Muslim Travel Ban

President Trump launched a tweet storm this morning and over the weekend calling for the courts to allow him to impose his Muslim travel ban, which would prohibit all refugees and citizens of six majority-Muslim countries from entering the United…

Trump Announces U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord

President Donald Trump announced Thursday he will withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate accord that was signed by nearly 200 nations in 2015 and heralded as a rare moment of international collaboration to avert imminent climate disaster.…

Open letter by the Water Protectors to President Donald Trump

We are Water Protectors who fought against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). We are also engaged in struggles and movements on behalf of First Nations against fossil fuel projects that poison our land, water and damage the climate. We are…

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