
Climate Change

Trump’s Climate Change Denial Ignites Grass-Roots Resistance

As “Russiagate” becomes a full-blown conflagration threatening to consume Donald Trump’s presidency, his denial of human-induced global warming continues to threaten a planet already on fire. The world reeled on June 1 when Trump made good on his campaign promise…

Scientist Warn Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction Has Already Begun

Scientists are warning that the Earth’s sixth mass extinction is already underway. In a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers said billions of populations of animals have disappeared from the Earth,…

UN Chief Urges World To Rally Behind Paris Agreement

“Climate action is not just a necessity but an opportunity to forge a peaceful and sustainable future on a healthy planet,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told a gathering of students, business leaders and academics at the New York University…

Exceptionalist Trump America Exits From Paris Agreement & Launches Neoliberal War on Terra

By Dr Gideon Polya An exceptionalist Trump America has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Change Agreement and thereby launched a neoliberal War on the Planet (Terra). The US has 4.4% of the world’s population but contributes more to annual global…

Trump Announces U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord

President Donald Trump announced Thursday he will withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate accord that was signed by nearly 200 nations in 2015 and heralded as a rare moment of international collaboration to avert imminent climate disaster.…

The Merkley-Sanders Climate Bill Isn’t a Launchpad. It’s Quicksand

By Stan Cox With the Trump administration poised to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a climate bill cosponsored by U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Bernie Sanders and known as the “100 by ’50 Act” is sure to be back…

Climate Change Proof To Convince Even The Most Irrational

By Dr Arshad M Khan The People’s Climate March on Saturday, April 29, 2017, flooded Washington, DC, with over 100,000 protesters. Organizers claimed 150,000, with marches in 330 other cities across the country and in three dozen solidarity events abroad.…

What I Said at the Peace Hub of the Climate March

Most countries on earth have the U.S. military in them. Most countries on earth burn less fossil fuel than does the U.S. military. And that’s without even calculating how much worse for the climate jet fuel is than other fossil…

March for Science in 500 cities around the world

On April 22, 500 events took place in 40 countries around the world to raise public awareness of the importance of science and research and support them against the attacks launched by US President Donald Trump, his plans to reduce…

Did You Know that the Oceans Have It All?

By Baher Kamal ROME, Apr 13 2017 (IPS) – Perhaps you are not aware enough of the fact the oceans have it all! What is “all”? Well, oceans have from microscopic life to the largest animal that has ever lived…

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