
Samir Saul - Michel Seymour

Samir Saul holds a doctorate in history from the University of Paris and is a professor of history at the Université de Montréal. His latest book is L'Impérialisme, passé et présent. Un essai (2023). He is also the author of Intérêts économiques français et décolonisation de l'Afrique du Nord (1945-1962) (2016), and La France et l'Égypte de 1882 à 1914. Intérêts économiques et implications politiques (1997). He is also co-editor of Méditerranée, Moyen-Orient : deux siècles de relations internationales (2003). Email : _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Michel Seymour is a retired professor in the Department of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal, where he taught from 1990 to 2019. He is the author of a dozen monographs, including A Liberal Theory of Collective Rights, 2017; La nation pluraliste, co-authored with Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp, for which the authors won the Canadian Philosophical Association Prize; De la tolérance à la reconnaissance, 2008, for which he won the Jean-Charles Falardeau Prize of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. He also won the Richard Arès prize from Action nationale magazine for Le pari de la démesure, published in 2001. Email : web site:

Información genuina sobre grandes conflictos internacionales: Ucrania y Palestina

A menudo oímos que los medios de comunicación oficiales nos proporcionan información objetiva, mientras que las redes sociales independientes están llenas de todo tipo de materiales, pero gran parte de ellos son desinformación, teorías conspirativas y discursos de odio. Esto…