
Pressenza IPA

News from Pressenza IPA correspondents

2010 Global Peace Index – Results and Findings

The results of the Global Peace Index for 2010 suggest that the world has become slightly less peaceful. The Index, which gauges ongoing domestic and international conflict, safety and security in society and militarization in 149 countries, registered overall increases in several indicators, including the likelihood of violent demonstrations and perceptions of criminality.

A massacre on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla 

What started as joyous preparations to welcome 700 activists on breaking the siege at Gaza’s Harbor the Israeli government maneuvered into a tragic turn of events. Their naval forces’ savagely attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carrying 700 solidarity activists from 40 countries and materials for an impoverished Gaza Strip.

And one day the human being created Life

The moment so feared, so desired, so imagined, has arrived; the moment when the human being – by creating life – is transformed into God. The Science Journal of May 20 gives the news of the first synthetic cell, a cell completely controlled by artificial DNA. “A cell that changes the definition of what is meant by ‘life’.”

A Middle East nuclear weapon free zone—the background

As the NPT conference comes to an end with no hope on the horizon for a speedy disarmament, Hillel Schenker, from the Jerusalem-based Palestine-Israel Journal talks about the often talked about Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the Middle East. “One thing is clear—asking Israel to sign the NPT is a futile exercise, because it will not unilaterally disarm.”

The Nuclear Power TRAP

The Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference is in its fourth and final week. Parallel to the official meetings with delegates of states parties to the NPT, active members of NGOs are in New York to represent the interests of civil society. Diane Perlman of Psychologists for Social Responsibility puts the case for a change of consciousness regarding nuclear power.

Laying Down the Law on Nuclear Disarmament

The tired old mantra of arms control and incremental steps is still dominating discussions at the NPT Review Conference, despite the growing push for a Nuclear Weapons Convention. Calls by Nuclear Weapons States, for the most part, lack any sense of real urgency — even though it is clear that meaningful action for abolition is needed now, and cannot continue to be postponed.

Defining Success: Why We Need More Than Mere Agreement

The NPT conference continues in New York with expectations high among anti-nuclear organisations that an intention to move towards a Nuclear Weapons Convention – a treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons – will be expressed in the final documents. The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is closely following what different nations are saying about such a convention.

Indigenous Peoples Draw Focus at UN

The traditional knowledge and practices of about 370 million indigenous peoples in 90 countries around the world are increasingly being recognized as vital for conservation of nature and efforts to combat and adapt to climate change.
Ban Ki Moon called on “governments, indigenous peoples and UN to ensure that the Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples becomes a reality”.

Dramatic Arab Appeal for a Nuclear-Free World

Call it perfect timing or a sheer historical coincidence; be it because they feel caught between the Israeli nuclear hammer and the Iranian might-be atomic anvil or just because they truly want it, the fact is that the leaders of 22 Arab countries have launched an unprecedented massive and pressing call to free the world from nuclear weapons.

Departure of the third Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World –Peace Boat Hibakusha Project

Peace Boat’s Global Voyage will be setting sail from the port of Yokohama on April 16 (Fri) on the third Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World, in which ten Hibakusha will (atomic bomb survivors) will participate. During the 101 day journey until July 25, they will be visiting 22 ports in 20 countries, giving testimonies of their experiences.

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