
Felipe Portales

Chileno, Sociólogo de la Universidad Católica; Director de Derechos Humanos de la Cancillería (1994-1996); Académico de la U. de Chile (2005-2017). Escritor: "Chile: una democracia tutelada"; "Los mitos de la democracia chilena" (dos volúmenes); "Historias desconocidas de Chile" (dos volúmenes).

How little we know about Chile’s history (III)

It has been known that the 1925 Constitution sought to replace the discredited oligarchic parliamentary regime, incorporating the emerging middle sectors into the state apparatus and seeking to implement a model of industrialisation based on import substitution. But what has…

How little we know about Chile’s history (II)

The Political Constitution of 1925 not only had a completely anti-democratic origin – as we saw in Part I – but also had an extremely authoritarian-presidential character. In contrast to the de facto political system existing between 1891 and 1925…

How little we know about Chilean history!

In the brief historical references given by the Government about the previous Constitutions -in its information campaign on the constituent process- there is a serious error regarding the 1925 Constitution. This is that it states that this Constitution was written…

Suicide of the Constitutional Convention?

The theoretical and limited democratic achievements of the Constitutional Convention (given the undemocratic quorum of two thirds, which threw out numerous articles approved by more than 60% of the Convention members) could be eliminated, if the Convention – through the…

Recognition of the Lagos Constitution

It would seem that our country has always suffered more than others – because it is certainly not a Chilean “monopoly” – from strong doses of amnesia, deceit and historical self-deception. To confine ourselves to our recent history, we can…

Chile: Very positive change in the Communist Party

The statements critical of the grotesque electoral fraud carried out by Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua made by the deputies Camila Vallejo and Karol Cariola; by the mayor of Santiago, Iraci Hassler; by the presidential pre-candidate, Daniel Jadue; by the prominent…

Chile: institutional violence (II)

Unfortunately, institutional violence has accompanied us throughout almost all of our republican history. Ever since the bloody battle of Lircay imposed an extremely authoritarian and conservative de facto order, well disguised in the Constitution of 1833. As Diego Portales himself…

Chilean constituent denialism expression of cruelty and hatred

The ethics commission of the Constitutional Convention was right to stipulate denialism as an expression of cruelty and hatred towards the victims of crimes against humanity and their relatives. As in several European countries that suffered from policies of extermination…

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