
Darío Aranda

Darío Aranda (argentino, 1977) es periodista. Especializado en extractivismo (petróleo, minería, agronegocios y forestales), escribe sobre el acontecer de los pueblos indígenas, organizaciones campesinas y asambleas socioambientales.

Andrés Carrasco, the scientist who decided to walk with the people

He confronted agribusiness companies, governments, and extractive scientists. It marked a before and after in the debate on the GM model, confirming that glyphosate is lethal to embryos. It was taken up by socio-environmental assemblies, peasant movements, and indigenous peoples.…

The fight against extractivism will continue in the streets and on the roads despite government threats

Social organisations and socio-environmental assemblies from all over the country warn that, despite the government’s repressive threats, they will continue mobilising in defence of the territory and against agribusiness, mining and oil exploitation. They denounce the “Argentine fascism” of the…

Indigenous peoples, democracies and territories

In times of elections, advances of right-wing options and democracies in crisis, indigenous peoples propose other models of life: without exploiting nature, with solidarity, complementarity and reciprocity. Overcoming genocide, structural racism, extractive governments and millenarian peoples who mark out paths.…

Arauco forestry, monoculture tree plantations and the Mbya Guarani People standing up

Report from the indigenous community Puente Quemado 2, which demands the return of territories and the withdrawal of the multinational Arauco. “The monoculture of pine trees is a tragedy and we are going to fight to recover the forest”, says…

“We are not going to let them sacrifice us so that others can drive electric cars”.

The Third Malón of Peace remains in the city of Buenos Aires with a vigil in front of the Supreme Court, where they denounce the irregularities of the constitutional reform in Jujuy. Verónica Chávez and Liliana López, indigenous women, stand…

“Mega-mining has proven to be a failure throughout Argentina”.

The multinational Pan American Silver, which has accumulated complaints in four Latin American countries, acquired the MARA mining project in Catamarca. Broad rejection by the residents of Andalgalá, a town that has known the impacts of mega-mining since the 1990s,…

Genetically modified bread is already on Argentinean tables

Argentina is the first country in the world to eat genetically modified bread. The company Bioceres-Indear reported that GM wheat is already being mixed with conventional wheat in 25 mills. With no labelling of genetically modified foods, it is already…

“No one can deny that agribusiness damages health, generates illness and death”.

An investigation in eight fumigated villages in Santa Fe, involving 27,000 people, confirmed the link between agrotoxins and cancer. Young people in these towns are 2.5 per cent more likely to get cancer than those living far from areas with…

12 October: “Original Argentina. Genocide, looting and resistance”.

The denied genocide, the dispossession of land and the struggle of the indigenous communities are the central themes of “Argentina Originaria: genocides, looting and resistance”, a book that traces the continuities of state violence and also gives an account of…

A national campaign in defence of water

Fifty social and environmental organisations are promoting a campaign for the care of and access to water as a human right. They question the activities that pollute it and propose the democratisation of the commons. Lake Colhue Huapi covered 53,000…

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