In the context of the launch of the International Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Now!! an appeal was made to all progressive forces and individuals worldwide to raise their voices in favour of dialogue and nuclear disarmament since the future of humanity is at risk.

Different organisations and action fronts of Universalist Humanism are speaking out and explaining the urgency of nuclear disarmament now! Among them, Beatriz Elosegui and José Muñoz (Convergencia de las Culturas), Spain; Angel Pascual (La Comunidad para el Desarrollo Humano), Spain; Liliana Ambrosio (Partido Humanista Internacional), Argentina; Rafael de la Rubia (Mundo sin Guerras y sin Violencia), Spain; Federica Fratini (Europe For Peace), Italy; Guillermo Sullings (Argentina) and Tony Robinson (England) for New Humanism.

Here is the link to the video of the conversation: