Attention to the present puts us in contact with the sensations of our body, with our emotions, feelings and thoughts, accepting them as they present themselves.

From REHUNO Health we encourage the dissemination of any project that promotes the development of an integral vision of health in a supportive way.

Today we share information about the project La Atención al Presente whose objective is defined as: “Our mission focuses on the generation of research and training programmes in solidarity and free of charge that improve individual and social health by adopting a way of life attentive to reality, without prejudice, with affection and respect for life in all its manifestations”.

The project, which has been more than 10 years of uninterrupted research and work, is promoted by the Asociación Canaria para el Desarrollo de la Salud a través de la Atención, defined as: “a solidarity and non-profit organisation oriented towards research, dissemination and free formation for personal growth, based on the focus of attention to the present, a resource of our nature that can benefit our personal and social health”.

According to its organisers, this initiative includes: “the development of simple exercises that can be carried out by anyone interested in delving deeper into the subject”. And as Jaime Rojas, researcher of the project, explains in an interview he gave to REHUNO Salud: “Training attention makes human development possible.

We propose simple exercises oriented towards self-awareness, attention training, the development of resilience and emotional regulation, which results in an improvement in the way you see yourself; a way of feeling at ease with yourself, which leads to a reduction in discomfort and the appearance of well-being.

Through simple short courses you can change how you feel physically, emotionally and psychologically.

You can change the way you relate to others, with warmth and harmony. You need to be well so that everything and everyone around you is well.

People and society need to know the benefits of mindfulness for their overall health.

From the Research area of the project, we found materials and practices that describe the causes that produce discomfort and emotional suffering in people.

  • What is the origin of unpleasant feelings?
  • What are the usual responses that end up generating anxiety, somatisation, pain and stress-related pathologies?

One of the most relevant aspects of the initiative lies in the prioritisation of one’s own experiences and practices over any theoretical explanations or beliefs about the subjects being dealt with.

Living mindfully and intentionally in the present is like taking a “daily health pill” for our body, our thinking, our emotions and our relationships.

There are a number of courses that are organised as:

  • Mindfulness for All
  • Mindfulness for Educators
  • Self-Observation Modules
  • Formation for Volunteers

For those who want to know more about this project and participate in its practices and free and open courses, you can consult the Mindfulness Campus at: