A never existing restlessness has come over the planet. Not in the streets, but in our homes and houses. That isolation pushes us to think and to ask ourselves questions. When we begin to think about ourselves and our loved ones, we immediately include everybody, yes everybody else, because we now realise that we all are one whole.

A mutual call for future forms itself in our heads, in our heads that are filled with uncertainties but also with hope. Hope that this world will actually change; change as if it would immerse in a new humanised orbit. Our heads are filled with the hope for a big change in the gravitation around which everything circles nowadays- the gravitation called economy.

But here comes the question- what can we actually expect from a society that is poisoned by its own most important value, its money?

The equation: value of currency=economy power is proven, same as every other power of violence that is connected to this equation, whether it’s physical or racist, religious, psychological, sexist, moral, institutional or gender violence. Every violence, every disaster that gets created by a system in which the economy decides everything.

Imagine, how the priorities would change if we would see the human being as the central value of the society and not the money. The people who heal and help, who teach, do research, protect and are set in the duties of the community would then be in first place, the production would arrange everything for the welfare of the general public, we could protect the weakest and would guarantee everybody a humane life, we would no longer be pushed to consume to exist and.. and.. and…

Those who still see money as the strongest value could still have their dreams, but they wouldn’t get their freedom by oppress ours. They could no longer condition us by using our intention, creativity, energy to satisfy their ambitions. The results of all earthly and human resources would come in useful to the community. Because we know that if we’d pause, as we do it now, it would come to a still stand. It is we who create the wealth of the earth, so obviously it is common asset, which we should actually be authorized to split equally.

We would still criticize violence but furthermore we would start to actually care about freedom from violence. We would start to work with its methods, its values, its toys, its directions. We would try to fix the social structure that is broken by the individual culture that longs after ever-increasing consumption. We would find our way into eye-to-eye relationships in which “nothing is aggrandized above humanity and no human being is magnified over another”. We would learn from day one, how to handle our own responsibilities, how to escape certain circumstances, escape the existing conditioning, we would learn how to refuse orders and how to decline hate, disapproval and revenge. We would live to see the generosity that most people do not have- to shorten it all up: we would develop ourselves!

We live in a time in which we can hope for the change in the society, without being naive, we keep on dreaming and doing everything we can to get to that change. We also live in that time right now where we can actually stop for a moment, hold every thought we just had and just think. Think about our hopes and dreams and possibilities. That standstill right now gives us the ability to meditate and to withdraw our own inspiration. We can use this new strength to cause the big change!

What would be more obvious than to decline life?  the live as an object and to revolt against the senselessness and the absurdity? Once upon a time the Chinese poet and philosopher Francois Cheng said:

“For us, life does not go hand in hand with the adventure of the universe. We do not get along with the thought that the universe, only consisted of substance, has brought itself up without noticing and after billions of years still isn’t. And even though it doesn’t know of itself it created creatures with awareness that acted, then stayed in the universe for a small time and disappeared again. As if it was nothing. […] But seriously- we turn against that nihilism on purpose that nowadays has become commonplace.”

Translation by Lena Boden