Recent events have clearly demonstrated the great role and power of the so-called markets. The words of the European Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, “The markets will teach the Italians how to vote correctly” are unequivocal. In fact, this is a good step forward, finally the enemy begins to show its face. We must be grateful for the political changes that made it possible for part of the truth to come to light!

But who and what are these “markets” that seem to be above the states and that determine their political choices? In a very simple and short, yet necessarily superficial way, markets are real people like, for example, the Rothschild family, or George Soros to name a few, who have so much money that we cannot even imagine it. In order to make this money bear fruit and increase the power it derives from it, they invest it and lend it to large companies, banks and even nation states. This is not done personally, but through financial institutions, such as Goldman Sachs based in New York. I quote Goldman Sachs because it is one of the protagonists of the Greek crisis, as is clearly told in the episode of Petrolio su rai 1 (Italian television programme) of 18 April 2016. But to lend money they want “reliability” so they create institutions, obviously private, that judge the level of “health” of a state. This is the case of Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s Corporations, both based in the United States, four bureaucrats demanding that, if Italy’s rating (or that of Germany or Poland…) is downgraded, it should immediately reform pensions or cut public spending. They want guaranteed investments and not the risk on which capitalism is based! These gentlemen blackmail the states because if they sell the credit they have contracted with the governments, they produce an economic crisis. They use words that are incomprehensible to us common mortals like spread, derivatives, futures, nasdaq, just as the church used Latin and nobody understood a word of it. But words serve to hide a truth that is actually terribly simple and obvious: few people have taken possession of the common good, they have such financial power that they control the nation-states with all their inhabitants. Even the New York Times called them “The Lords of the Universe”.

Their vision is that, in the infinite universe, in the Gould Belt of the Milky Way, the planet Earth is a unique and large company where all that counts is money and profit. Everyone in this social pyramid has their own place. In order to have precise control, they need branches, i.e. national states, administered by “responsible” politicians who in some countries are elected in free elections. However, this only applies until voters or parliaments question the established model. In these cases, the markets begin to ‘shake’ and ‘send signals’, as the media tell us. “The markets will teach the Italians to vote the right way!” Oettinger thunders constantly. Now we can also understand the statements of President Mattarella, the governor of the colony-branch Italy, who paternaly warns that with certain options we attract the evil wrath of the empire and the markets and that this is not in our best interest, better to be cautious!

It is clear that a true government of change will only be such if it questions the role of financial capital in restoring power to governments and people and restoring value to the real economy. Courageous choices are needed in this direction or, at best, we will see interesting reforms, but only of secondary aspects of society, without in any way undermining the laws established by the market for democracies and life on planet Earth.

In any case, it will be the tumultuous events of the future that will make it clear that this social and economic model cannot be perfected, but that a profound transformation in the direction that humanists have been proposing for a long time is needed.


Translated from Spanish by Pressenza London