The festival will be held on Sat. March 24 and Sun. March 25, 2018 at Unitarian Church of All Souls (1157 Lexington Avenue/80th St).


Films you might be interested are “Zan”, a feature documentary by Rick Grehan about the Okinawan dugong and the people who strive to protect them in Oura Bay in Okinawa, Japan, where the dugongs’ feeding grounds are threatened by the construction of a U.S. Marine base.

Another documentary feature film, “Post X Years”, a sequel to X Years Later, which we screened in 2014, continues their research on the nuclear tests in the Pacific in the ‘50s and ‘60s. The film exposes shocking facts and data from a half century ago of the effects on the areas’ inhabitants, including Japanese fishermen who were at sea at the time of the tests.

Complete list of films, please visit our website:

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