A team of Pressenza is here at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum from the 22nd to the 24th of June, an event hosted by the German public media organisation, Deutsche Welle which brings together over 2000 people from the fields of journalism and international relations.

Pressenza has participated in panels and organised workshops for the last five years and the different themes have enabled us to develop all kinds of relationships both with media outlets and journalists with whom we can work together in future collaborations, and with organisations in the fields of human rights, education and alternative economics which have been the subjects of previous years’ forums.

This year the theme is Media and Foreign Policy in the Digital Age and we have taken the opportunity to offer a workshop to the Forum in partnership with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Our workshop goes by the grand title of “From banning landmines to nuclear weapons: the humanitarian approach and the role of digital media” and we have three experts in their fields who are taking part.

Matthew Bolton is an Assistant Professor from Pace University in New York: a political scientist, disarmament policy expert, writer and aid worker with experience working in 15 countries, including Afghanistan, Bosnia, Haiti, Iraq and South Sudan. He is an advisor to such organisations as Article 36, Control Arms, and the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.

John Borrie is a Senior Researcher and Policy Advisor at the UN Institute for Disarmament Research. His research interests include: armed violence, disarmament as humanitarian action, human impact of weapons, multilateral negotiation process, nuclear disarmament, weapons technologies.

Beatrice Fihn is the Executive Director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons based in Geneva and the former Disarmament Programme Manager for the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, monitoring all aspects of disarmament including; killer robots, explosive weapons and small arms, among others.

Our workshop will show how humanitarian consequences have been key to bringing about ban treaties for other classes of weapons, how it is being applied to nuclear weapons and how digital media is a key tool for disseminating information and generating awareness globally.  We are going to make it as entertaining as possible with a quiz, thought-provoking videos and stimulating discussions.

We look forward to seeing you here.