
Sex, Drugs &… Hookers, Dope Bring Italy out of Recession

Human Wrongs Watch By RT*, 16 October 2014 – Illegal economic activities such as drugs and prostitution are apparently responsible for having lifted Italy out of economic recession. EU data calculations have demonstrated that the black market has significantly boosted GDP figures.…

HONG KONG: Concern about use of police excessive force and abuse

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-ART-083-2014 October 15, 2014 An Article from the Asian Human Rights Commission HONG KONG: Concern about the use of police excessive force and abuse (Hong Kong, October15, 2014) The Asian Human Rights Commission expressed shock and sadness…

Launch of UN Youth Advisory Panel in Bangladesh

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has asserted that young people are indispensable in the United Nations efforts to “eradicate poverty, contain the spread of disease, combat climate change and achieve the Millennium Development Goals” and has called on UN member…

Hong Kong protests Sunday 12 October Admiralty-Queensway

Foto Tony Henderson                                                                          …

Evo Morales wins 3rd term as Bolivian President according to exit polls: some reactions

“La Paz, Bolivia (CNN) — Incumbent Evo Morales declared victory in Bolivia’s presidential vote Sunday. Official results have not been announced, but a national exit poll placed Morales in the lead with 61% of the votes. Victory would mean Morales,…

Tomás Hirsch speech in “Peace Paths for the Israel/Palestine conflict”

Words of Tomas Hirsch at the Providencia Forum in Santiago de Chile, seeking peaceful ways to resolve the Israeli/Palestinian conflict “Good afternoon to everyone. To begin, I want to clarify where I am coming from: I am speaking from the…

Hong Kong Protests – the light and the dark

One of Hong Kong’s Occupy movement’s leading lights is Joshua Wong Chi-fung who had his 18th birthday, yesterday – October 13, 2014 – which also marked the 16th day of the protest. Vonnie Boston* took him a couple well-wishing gifts and…

Palestinian stories: the wise Lebdewah

«In Nahr el-Bared we lost our house, in Palestine our home» Nahr el-Bared is a magical place. I felt a strong connection with it as soon as I stepped foot there, or even before, when I was asking for a…

British Parliament backs Palestinian statehood

According to the BBC “MPs have voted in favour of recognising Palestine as a state alongside Israel. The House of Commons backed the move “as a contribution to securing a negotiated two-state solution” – although less than half of MPs…

European day of action against the TTIP in London

What is the TTIP? Watch:   Day of Action against the TTIP in London Watch the video: Video image, WDM [media-credit name=”Image Occupy London” align=”aligncenter” width=”600″]  

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