The Network of Children’s Rights in Mexico (Redim) urged the governor of the northern state of Chihuahua, Cesar Duarte Jaquez, to investigate the police operatives of forced removal of the street population in Juárez.

The evacuations were initiated by the Secretary of Municipal Public Security in the region.

Redim highlighted that these evacuations amount to a practice of “social cleansing” that violate the Mexican constitution.

The organization clarified that the magna carta guarantees non discrimination on the basis of social conditions, and the enjoyment of all human rights recognized by international treaties.

The organization emphasized that the mechanisms promote discrimination and the criminalization of poverty of those who live and work in the streets. Additionally, they signaled that the practices are far from resolving problems like insecurity or unemployment.

Redim and six organizations called for a dispatch of precautionary measures that protect the safety of those who survived the “social cleaning.” They also asked for the elimination of these operatives.

They emphasized the urgency need for economic programming to address this section of the population.

On 21st June a local paper, Norte de Ciudad Juaréz, documented that homeless people are abandoned in the outskirts of the city after being arrested. (PÚLSAR)