
Ecology and Environment

Hands to the land: environmental education as a response to the crisis

Why do we disconnect ourselves from nature? Why do we sustain consumption practices that distance us from reality? Why do we build huge buildings and destroy natural areas? Why don’t we explore those spaces, why don’t we know? Why don’t…

When to Build Sea Walls

During the month of December 2021 two warnings of impending sea level rise were issued by highly respected groups of climate scientists. These are professional scientists who do not deal in hyperbole. Rather, they are archetypical conservative serious-minded scientists who…

Popular pressure modifies Piñera’s opinion on lithium

Following strong protests on social networks and yesterday’s nationwide mobilisation in opposition to the privatisation of lithium, the incumbent President Sebastián Piñera issued a public statement saying that “Chile is the country with the largest lithium reserves in the world.…

How Grassroots Energy Projects Are Taking Back Power From Utility Companies

From solar power that cuts NYC energy bills and powers streetlights in Detroit to affordable high-speed internet throughout the United States, grassroots utilities projects are delivering on their promises to underserved communities of color. By Aric Sleeper As power outages…

Mar del Plata free of oil companies

Tuesday, January 4, downtown Mar del Plata. While thousands of tourists are enjoying the sunny afternoon, thousands of local residents are demonstrating next to the local casino and the most popular beaches of the city. It is a peaceful but…

EcoWaste Coalition Appeals to 2022 Political Aspirants Not to Injure Trees

The EcoWaste Coalition has appealed to all parties and individuals eyeing elective posts in the May 2022 polls not to nail, tack, staple or hang campaign materials on trees. In a statement, the environmental group urged all candidates for national…

For the deprivatisation of water, the rights of nature and the protection of glaciers: More than a thousand social organisations back popular initiative to the new Constitution

Modatima, the Movement for Water and Territory (MAT) and the Coordination of Territories for the Defence of Glaciers worked together on a proposal of articles that were sent today to the Technical Secretariat of the Constitutional Convention. Once approved, it…

Bright Green Lies Torpedoes Greens

Bright Green Lies (Monkfish Book Publishing, 2021) grumbles and growls like a rambunctious thunderstorm on an early spring day opening up darkened clouds of acid rain across the world of environmentalism, including celebrated personalities. According to Bright Green Lies authors…

Catamarca: peasant families reclaim community lands appropriated by a mayor

The community of Las Barrancas denounces that the mayor of the neighbouring municipality of San Fernando fenced off 60 hectares of communal land, which was used for grazing and as a communal road. After fencing off the land, he started…

There’s Only One Essential Role Humans Have on Earth—A Humbler Perspective Could Save the World

While the world’s oceans, nonhuman animals, and plants play starring roles in sustaining our ecosystem, why are we so bent on sabotaging it? I would like to introduce you to an alternative way of looking at this planet that we…

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