


‘In this age of the atom bomb, unadulterated nonviolence is the only force that can confound all the tricks of violence put together.’

10,000 people marched on Wall Street to protest the wars

On April 4, in honor of Dr. King and his visionary ‘Beyond Vietnam’ speech in 1967, 10,000 people marched on Wall Street to protest the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and to demand a larger investment in the needs of our communities. Labor, veterans, students, immigrant rights groups, military families, faith-based people, women’s groups, and community groups joined for a lively, vibrant march.

It’s Time To Get Rid Of Nuclear Weapons

The destructive force of nuclear weapons in the world today is hundreds of millions of times more powerful than that of the atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima in 1945. President Barack Obama’s proposal to reduce atomic warhead arsenals by 80 percent has given rise to the hope of eradicating the threat of nuclear proliferation

World Physicians issue medical appeal to Obama, Medvedev for elimination of nuclear weapons

More than 300 of the world’s top physicians have called on US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev to “end the nuclear weapons era once and for all.”

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence: a humanist proposal

The World March aims to generate consciousness of the dangerous global situation in which we are living, a situation marked by the heightened probability of nuclear conflict, a renewed arms race, and the violent military occupation of foreign territories. It’s a proposal for an unprecedented mobilization, advanced by the Humanist Movement through one of its organizations, World Without Wars

Obama’s Coalition of the Unwilling

Forty one nations contribute with troops to conform the presence of 56.000 OTAN forces in Afghanistan. The occupation is already eight years old and in many countries of the OTAN it incites less support with every day that goes by.

Let’s stop the war in Irak and all wars

World Without Wars Association promotes manifestations in various cities of the world during the week that marks the 6th anniversary of the invasion of Irak

“Invisibles” Make ABM Plans Visible at European Parliament

PRESSENZA(New York) “We are invisible.” That was the message of over 100 protesters at the European Parliament in Brussels on February 18.

New Opportunities for Nuclear Disarmament

In spite of the obstacles that need to be overcome, new possibilities for nuclear disarmament are appearing on the horizon.

Obama Initiative an Important Signal to the World

Obama´s administration will present a plan to Russia calling for an 80% reduction in each country’s stockpile of nuclear weapons

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