
public health

What’s happening in Belarus, the only European country to not adopt social distancing

In power for 26 years, president Lukashenko pokes fun at the risks of Covid-19 while trying to preserve the economy Praveen S. – Brasil de Fato Belarus is the only European country that did not adopt any social distancing measures…

Coronavirus: why you need to wear a face mask in France, but not in the UK

Should you wear a face mask when you leave your house? It’s the question no one seems to agree on. In France, the government originally said masks were unnecessary, but this week has made it mandatory to wear them on…

France extends health emergency until July 24 as Europe mulls lifting lockdown restrictions

France’s minister of health has announced an extension of the public health state of emergency until July 24. The country was placed under emergency on March 24 due the Covid-19 outbreak. The move was announced by Olivier Veran on Saturday,…

Call to the G20: invest in Healthcare instead of further Militarisation

IPB is calling for a dramatic reduction of military spending in favour of healthcare and meeting social needs The world’s oldest peace NGO, the Nobel Prize-winning IPB has called on G20 world leaders who are gathering via virtual means this…

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