
Joe Biden

The US was lucky to get Trump – Biden may pave the way for a more competent autocrat

Only if the president-elect is willing to fight big money and redistribute wealth can he stop the rise of someone far worse than Trump It brought a tear to the eye and a hand to the heart. Joe Biden, in…

To ‘Rebuild and Repair’ After Trump Cruelty, Rights Group Gives Biden Blueprint for Racial Justice and Immigration Reform

“Progress on each of these fronts is desperately needed to make all families and communities safe.” ByAndrea Germanos President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team is being urged to quickly set in motion actions to “rebuild and repair” from Trump administration attacks…

Dear “President-elect Biden”

Please start with the easiest problem to solve Editor’s note: The author’s assumption that Joe Biden will be elected president is of course his own. By Alan Robock Here is a letter I intend to mail in November. But I…

Latinx Voters for Biden Political Action Front

After writing “White Voters for Biden Political Action Front” few weeks ago, Javier Castaño, director of Queens Latino, asked if I could do an article about the importance of the Latinx vote for the 2020 US presidential election. This coming…

White Voters for Biden Political Action Front

The boring 2020 US presidential race is well on its way, with just a few months left before its November finish. The main and maybe the only real project of the Democratic Party is to kick Donald Trump out of…

Biden Urged to Adopt a Good Neighbor Policy Toward Latin America

By Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores Election season is a difficult time to develop good policies towards Latin America, since both Democrats and Republicans cater to the small, but organized, conservative factions of the Latinx community in Florida, vying for…

If Joe Biden Rejects His Progressive Base, Trump Will Win

During the official roll call at the virtual Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, representatives from 57 states and territories declared their delegate totals for Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, each from an iconic setting highlighting their region. Native American delegates…

VenezolanosConBiden and MAGAzuela: Two sides of the same coin

By Leonardo Flores The Biden campaign held an online event on Wednesday, July 8 pitched as the former Vice President’s “vision for Venezuela and Venezuelans in the U.S.” Spoiler alert: his vision for Venezuela barely differs from President Trump. This…

An Open Letter to Joe Biden on Race

We need the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee to be better than Trump. But we also need him to be better than himself. By Sonali Kolhatkar Dear Mr. Vice President Joe Biden, You showed up in public on Memorial Day weekend…

Climate voters are the future of the Democratic Party. Don’t shortchange them.

By Jean Willoughby Against the odds, a youth-led mobilization succeeded in placing the climate crisis at the forefront of the 2020 election season. We didn’t get a full-fledged climate debate, but we did get the Climate Crisis Town Hall, helpfully…

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