

Artificial intelligence can create more jobs, not destroy them

A new study by the International Labour Organization (ILO) has concluded that Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more likely to increase jobs than destroy them by automating some tasks rather than taking them over entirely. Generative AI is a type…

Noam Chomsky Speaks on What ChatGPT Is Really Good For

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is sweeping the world. It is transforming every walk of life and raising in the process major ethical concerns for society and the future of humanity. ChatGPT, which is dominating social media, is an AI-powered chatbot developed…

The risk of ChatGPT

Would anyone ask a talented actor not only to act and talk like a skilled surgeon in a convincing manner, but then allow him to take a scalpel and operate on him? It would seem stupid, wouldn’t it? Well, that…