

Debate. Yoshua Bengio and Gary Marcus on the best way forward for AI

Both Gary Marcus and Yoshua Bengio agree that the field of AI might benefit from an articulation of their agreements and disagreements. The debate will be moderated by Vincent Boucher. Yoshua Bengio, Full Professor, Deep Learning Pioneer and A.M. Turing…

Turing Test: why it still matters

Harry Collins, Cardiff University for The Conversation We’re entering the age of artificial intelligence. And as AI programs gets better and better at acting like humans, we will increasingly be faced with the question of whether there’s really anything that…

The Rise of the Vanguard: Microsoft Workers Protest the Use of Their Products in War

By Mary Metzger The 21st Century may well mark the end of capitalism as we know it. The groundwork for the revolutionary transformation of the social and economic relations of the capitalist mode of production are already in place and…

Geneva launches new government round on autonomous weapons: The danger of machines learning to kill by themselves

by Javier Tolcachier It stands for LAWS. These are the lethal autonomous weapon systems, also called killer robots. Far from being futuristic hallucinations of science fiction writers, they constitute one of the nuclei of the current arms race. The US…

Demanding ban on killer robots, tech experts warn of opening “this Pandora’s box”

“Lethal autonomous weapons threaten to become the third revolution in warfare,” robotics and artificial intelligence experts warn by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams More than 100 robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) experts published on Monday an open letter…

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