
Human Wrongs Watch

Everybody talks about human ‘rights’ and this is just great. Nevertheless, human beings have been perpetrating, systematically, all kinds of wrongs–they kill each other, they destroy forests, seas, lands, and atmosphere. Simply, humans are now more than ever under the mercy of two dominant powers: the ‘market lords’ and the ‘war lords’–everything, humans included, are now subject to trade deals. Human wrongs Watch informs about some of the so many human ‘wrongs’–it’s our way to draw your attention. Maybe this initiative can help correct some of our misdoing.

Remember Haiti?

New York – Two years have elapsed since the devastating earthquake destroyed a whole country—Haiti, killing over 200,000 people. Still, three quarters of the population earn less than two dollars a day, 70 per cent do not have stable jobs, more than half of children do not go to school, and the great majority –70 to 80 per cent– had no access to electricity.

The Palestinian Flag Flies at UNESCO

Paris – The Palestinian flag was raised for the first time at the Paris headquarters of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as the agency marked Palestine’s admission as a full member.

‘Never, Never Give Up Your Leading Role’

Cairo – ”You proved that you are right, that we were wrong. You are catalysts for reforms. Recognise your capabilities for changing the world”, said Qatar’s first lady Sheikha Moza in Doha to 400 “leaders of tomorrow” from 100 countries.

Arab Spring, the Year the Idea of Power Shifted

Geneva – “In 2011, the very idea of ‘power’ shifted,” High Commissioner for Human Rights said on the occasion of this year’s Human Rights Day on December 10. “We know there is still too much repression in our world, still too much impunity, still too many people for whom rights are not yet a reality,” Navi Pillay said.

Remember Somalia?

Geneva – Hundreds of refugees in southern Ethiopia have been relocated from an overcrowded transit centre to a new camp, the fifth one in the area for Somalis fleeing conflict and drought in their homeland.

UN to Rich Countries: Halt Austerity, Avoid Deep Recession

New York –The world risks falling back into recession if developed countries embark prematurely on fiscal austerity measures, according to a UN report, which recommends additional stimulus measures as well as more forceful international coordination to stimulate job creation and investment.

No Water in Many Parts of the World in Only 40 Years

Durban, South Africa – In another 40 years, many parts of the world will have run out of water for farming, says a new authoritative analysis of the state of the world’s land and water resources.

Millions of Yemenis Facing Severe Humanitarian Crisis

Geneva – Millions of people in Yemen are facing a severe humanitarian crisis, chronic deprivation, malnutrition and violence, the UN reports.

Nigeria: Mass Lead Poisoning from Mining Activities

Geneva – At least 43 villages in Nigeria continue to present cases of lead poisoning, 18 months ago after cases were first discovered in the region, the United Nations reported, calling for an increase in preventive measures in the African country.

Occupied Afghanistan Has ‘Long Way to Go’ in Protecting Women

New York – “There is a long way to go before the rights of Afghan women are fully protected,” says a UN report, noting that the government has not yet succeeded in applying a two-year-old landmark law to the vast majority of cases of violence against women.

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